Contrary to President Biden’s request: the ultra-orthodox support the Republican candidate

by time news

Hasidic businessmen and politicians attended a fundraiser for Republicans a day after Democrat Biden pleaded for their support. A large part of the meeting focused on how the federal government can help the ultra-Orthodox educational institutions, and in particular the yeshivas, after the authorities force the young men to study core studies

At a fundraising evening for the Republican candidate for Congress, Mike Lawler in Wesley Hills – New York, along with several other members of Congress from around the country, senior businessmen from the Hasidic communities participated, only one day after President Biden literally begged the ultra-Orthodox to support the incumbent Democratic representative Sean Patrick Maloney.

Heads of various Hasidic sects present included the mayor of New Squirra Izzy Spitzer, the mayor of Cassar (Vinci) Eli Pinksovitz, the deputy mayor of Airmont Shimon Mozes, the businessman Yossi Gasttner and other senior businessmen. The businessmen and politicians from Squirra Wiznitz participated in a fundraiser for Republicans, just one day after Biden pleaded for support for the Democrats, the Yeshiva world news website reported.

The Hasidic presence at the event came after the report in ‘Bahadari Haredim’, in which we reported that President Biden called Rebbe Masqueira and asked him to support Maloney, the Democrat who faces a close election on November 8. Much of the meeting focused on education and how the federal government can help students , and especially for ultra-Orthodox students who study in yeshiva, after the authorities force the young men to study core studies.

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