Control of dissidents in Cauca puts five municipalities at risk

by times news cr

2024-08-26 22:24:33

The Dagoberto Ramos Front, of the Western Bloc Commander Jacobo Arenas of the FARC dissidents, by exercising territorial control in the north of the department of Cauca, is supplanting functions of the State, such as the ‘administration of justice’, the monopoly of violence, taxation, among other criminal behavior, which seriously violates the rights to life, integrity, security and freedom of the communities. For these reasons, the Ombudsman’s Office issued Early Warning of Imminence (ATI) 019 of 2024, in which it warns of the risk faced by the inhabitants of Miranda, Corinto, Caloto, Toribío and Jambaló.

Also, because the area where the five municipalities are located is a strategic mobility corridor – for war material, illicit substances, among others – between Cauca, Valle del Cauca, Tolima and Huila for illegal armed groups. In addition, combats with other armed organizations, as well as direct attacks against communities, especially indigenous and peasant communities, in urban areas and rural areas put them at latent risk.

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Conduct that violates rights affects their social, economic, spiritual, educational and community life. Added to this is the entry into northern Cauca of the 57th Front Yair Bermúdez, another dissident faction of the FARC, which would have the aim of disputing with Dagoberto Ramos areas where he exercises territorial and social control. The ATI, which confirms the materialization of risk scenarios previously warned by the Ombudsman in seven local and two national Alerts, shows how northern Cauca is an area where the recruitment, use and exploitation of girls, boys and adolescents is concentrated.

The phenomenon extends to Toribío, Corinto, Caloto, Santander de Quilichao, Suárez, Buenos Aires, Caldono, Padilla, Villa Rica and Puerto Tejada.

The Ombudsman’s Office, as guarantor of human rights in Colombian territory, urges government institutions to comply with the 20 recommendations formulated in Early Warning of Imminence 019 of 2024.

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