Controversial AD pastor is excluded for adultery

by time news

A regrettable case of adultery involving a pastor was revealed at the Convention of the Assembly of God in the State of Piauí (CEADEP), and the entity unanimously decided to exclude it. The announcement was made by the president of the entity. He had already been involved in controversies for encouraging young people to “kiss hot”.

Pastor Carlos Alberto, former president of the Assembly of God in Picos (PI), underwent a disciplinary process and unanimously the 415 pastors linked to CEADEP who attended the Extraordinary General Assembly decided for his exclusion after the adultery case was revealed.

According to the webpage, Assembleianos de Valor, the case came to light after the husband of the woman with whom the pastor was having an affair. extramarital relationship released a video in which his wife got out of Carlos Alberto’s car.

The president of CEADEP, Pastor Besaleel Assunção, announced the exclusion in a video released on social media and quoted the biblical passage from the letter of the apostle Paul to Ephesians 4:1 in his statement:

“The convention makes public the result of the Extraordinary General Meeting 001/2023 […] who was accused of pastor Carlos Alberto, then president of the Assembly of God in Picos. With sadness in our hearts, we inform you that after hearing the final opinion of the Ethics Council and the defense of the pastor, through his lawyer, Dr. Marcos Neiva, it was unanimously voted to dismiss the worker from the State Convention”, said Assunção.

Prior to the decision, Pastor Carlos Alberto would have mobilized to sue CEADEP for rejecting the removal, asking for his reinstatement as president of the congregation in Picos, but the Court rejected the request.

“Right now, our concern is with the spiritual life of the Assembly of God Church in Picos, as well as the separation of the brother and his family, for whom we ask you to pray fervently. We know that the path of a Christian is marked by love and mercy, in addition to the exercise of righteous justice. According to the biblical text, the Lord disciplines those he loves, and the worker must be a model for the faithful. Although with regret, we have a duty to act with justice and equity”, ended the assembly leader of Piauí.

‘Nice kiss’

A video circulating on social networks shows the excluded pastor, during a sermon, talking about his youth and encouraging the young people present to follow his example: “When I was single, we walked around with a pocket full of pee . [Mantinha no] pocket, which was for dating and kissing hot. […] God, do these young people not kiss anymore? […] ‘Pastor, are you dating?’. Oxi, and how”, says the pastor.

The video shows a response from Pastor Elizeu Rodrigues scolding his ministry colleague: “Giving you advice to kiss on the mouth. He is advising you to stay hidden at the time of the service. Whoever does this to you, it was the devil who planted that person in your path. Tease me. Get in,” he stated. Watch:

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