Controversial Candidate Sparks Debate in Green Party Spokesperson Selection Process

by time news

Twelve Men Compete for Green Party Spokesman Role; Controversy Arises Over Death Penalty Stance

Twelve men are currently vying for the coveted position of spokesperson for the Green Party, and this week members of the party had the opportunity to question the potential successors to Per Bolund.

Among the candidates, Mattias Walving-Lundberg has emerged as a controversial figure due to his support for the death penalty in specific cases. This revelation has ignited an internal debate within the party about the selection process and its criteria.

Walving-Lundberg joined the Green Party in June and generally aligns with the party’s policies. However, his stance on the death penalty sets him apart from the majority within the party.

When asked about his opinion on the matter, Walving-Lundberg expressed his support for the death penalty, stating, “I can’t just imagine, I think we should have the death penalty. We have lived in the best of worlds for a very long time, where you have basically been able to tell people the truth. It no longer works.”

He further elaborated, “We have got such a society where you commit such bestial crimes. Some crimes are so heinous, and I don’t think those people deserve to live anymore.”

Recent incidents of shootings and bombings believed to be linked to gang conflicts have plagued Sweden. Walving-Lundberg believes that the death penalty could be applicable in cases involving notorious gang leaders such as “Kurdish Räven,” Rawa Majid.

This revelation has sparked criticism, with MEP Jakop Dalunde (MP) questioning the selection process and the lenient requirements for candidates. He expressed concern that anyone could become a member and immediately run for a top position without facing any obstacles or trials.

In response, Walving-Lundberg defended the current process, asserting, “I think that the process that is in place today is fantastic. It is the best process any political party has, and I think the Green Party should be afraid of it.” He further criticized the notion of restricting party members from running for spokesperson, calling it “incredibly undemocratic.”

When asked if he still feels confident in his candidacy despite the controversy, Walving-Lundberg responded affirmatively.

The Green Party is now faced with the task of reconciling differing views within its ranks and determining the most suitable spokesperson to represent their values and principles.

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