Controversial Elections in Himara: Increased Voter Turnout Amidst Allegations of Manipulation and Government Interference

by time news
With the MEP of New Democracy and elected Mayor of Himara in the May 2023 elections Frèndi Belegiri still remaining imprisoned in the Fier prisons, the members of the Greek National Minority returned to the polls today to elect the next mayor of Himara.

Voter turnout has noticeably increased since the morning as 8,238 voters had voted half an hour before the polls closed, compared to 7,800 who voted in total in 2023.

However, suspicion among the Greek minority is widespread regarding the maneuvers of the Rama government, which desperately desires the election of the former prefect of Avlona, Evangeli Tàvu, who hails from Dropulli.

In the last week, there was a gathering of government officials and Rama himself in Himara to support the Socialist Party candidate, while representatives of the minority reported an unusual increase in the number of voters for the elections on August 4. Specifically, they mentioned that 311 new voters were registered.

At the same time, the Albanian government decided not to allow voters to vote with expired IDs, a move interpreted as an attempt by the government to prevent voters arriving in Himara from Greece from participating in the electoral process.

Belegiri’s Intervention

Frèndi Belegiri, in light of complaints about the transportation of voters and that many voters were unable to vote because they had expired IDs—a situation that had not been an issue until now—stated in a post on Facebook:

“The current elections started illegally, with a decision from the Central Election Commission that is unlawful and has been appealed by the Union for Human Rights Party (KEAD). Today I will also submit my objection, as the illegal decree issued under emergency conditions by the President is as if issued by the Prime Minister’s Office. The illegality continues!

This is the moment when the government must act in these elections more than ever, because it is not the fault of the voters that they did not renew their IDs. The time was extremely limited, as the decree for the elections was issued on July 5, on a Friday after 16:00. Voters had very limited time to renew their IDs, when even the electronic service e-Albania had limited operation during this period.

The government must take measures to ensure that voters can exercise their right to vote. There is no excuse, no accounting support is required, there is no cost, just as there were no obstacles in previous elections. All the ministers are in Himara, let them gather for once and make a decision in the interest of the people!

The government must show that it does not manipulate the will of the voters, that the transportation of voters from any socialist municipality to Himara was not a government tactic, and that the prohibition, as never before, of voting with expired IDs is not intentional.

The government should at least maintain the appearances, as it has done so far, using “independent” institutions so that it seems it is not using every means to manipulate these elections!

I call on my fellow citizens: Resist! Do not leave the polling stations! Do not be afraid! Vote! Vote! Vote!

Frèndi Belegiri

Elected Mayor of Himara 2023


See his post

Meanwhile, according to, there were pressures and incidents of violence outside polling stations during these elections in Himara. In the village of Koudesi, a supporter of Petros Gkikouria, backed by OMONOIA, was attacked with punches by unknown individuals. At the Himara school, a relative of Tàvu was spotted with employees of the Himara municipality accompanying 7 persons with disabilities with the intention of bringing them inside the voting booth. The municipal employees, as noted by, were noticed by Gkikouria’s team and were removed from the polling station.

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