Controversial Science Law published

by time news

2023-05-09 03:59:00

This afternoon, at the Official Journal of the Federationthe controversial General Law on Humanities was published, SciencesTechnologies and Innovation, which has been questioned by various members of the scientific community both for its content and for the way in which it was approved both in the Chamber of Deputies as in the Senators.

The Law will enter into force tomorrow and, according to its transitory articles, with this the Science and Technology Law and the Organic Law of the National Council of Science and Technology, both published in the DOF on June 5, 2002 and “all those provisions that oppose this Law are repealed.”

In addition, as of tomorrow, in accordance with the fifth transitory article, “all references in other legal systems, norms, procedures, acts and legal instruments that mention the National Council for Science and Technology they will be understood as made to the National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies”.

Read also: CIDE and two UNAM faculties join a strike against the Science Law

On the other hand, a period of one year is given for the new National Council to issue new regulatory and administrative provisions in accordance with the new Law, meanwhile the ones that Conacyt had will continue to be in force.

Among the nearly 20 initiatives that were approved in the Senate in the early hours of April 29, the approval of the so-called science law It stood out because it was the only one in which the opinion approved in commissions was not published, in which one of the commissions was not completed and the one that had the most votes against (12), reasons why the Law “lacks legitimacy” , have said members of the community.

The publication of the Law is also the moment that the community members that they are dissatisfied with it and with its approval procedures, since they will be able to start their amparo processes.


Academic movement grows against the new Science Law

Academics: Science law “lacks legitimacy”

#Controversial #Science #Law #published

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