Controversy Surrounds Establishment of Offshore Wind Farms Along West Coast: A Battle Between Tourism and Renewable Energy

by time news

Controversy Surrounds Proposed Offshore Wind Farms in Sweden’s West Coast

Sweden’s picturesque west coast, known for its stunning views of the West Sea and famous rock outcrops, may soon be transformed by the establishment of offshore wind farms. The state authorities and the industry argue that offshore wind power needs to be swiftly implemented in the region, citing the need for clean and sustainable energy sources.

The county administrative board is expected to make a decision on two proposed wind farms, Poseidon outside Tjörn and Mareld west of Lysekil, at the beginning of next year. These wind farms have the potential to house wind turbines up to 350 meters high, surpassing Sweden’s current tallest turbine, Aldermyrberget outside Skellefteå, by 120 meters. Furthermore, the company Njordr Offshore Wind AB has announced plans for the Skagerrak Offshore Gamma park, proposing wind turbines that could reach a staggering height of 370 meters and consist of up to 172 turbines on floating foundations in the Bratten area, located approximately five miles west of Smögen.

The allure for the county board and government is the potential to generate 12.8 terawatt hours of new electricity per year within a decade, enough to power over two million villas. However, these ambitious plans have faced opposition from local groups on social media, who fear the “unimaginable dimensions” of the proposed wind farms. The moderates locally have taken a strong stance against large-scale offshore wind power along the entire Bohuslän coast.

One of the primary concerns raised by opponents is the impact on the local fishing industry, which argues that the wind farms could pose a threat to their livelihoods. The company Njordr contends that the proposed location is well-chosen for fishing, as it is an area where fishing is not allowed. They believe that the closest wind turbine would be nearly 46 kilometers away from Smögen, making it barely distinguishable from land. However, critics argue that the required nighttime lighting to warn aircraft would mar the coast’s natural beauty.

Uddevalla, the largest municipality in Bohuslän, has taken a proactive stance against offshore wind power. The municipal councilor Henrik Sundström, representing the Moderates, has spearheaded efforts to influence national policy and say no to wind power. Sundström emphasizes the need for new nuclear power in Uddevalla and argues that offshore wind power is not the solution to the energy challenges faced by the region.

Therese Mancini, the chairperson of the municipal board in Sotenäs, which supports wind power, recognizes the need for a balanced approach. She clarifies that her party’s support for offshore wind power does not mean it can be implemented without limitations or disregard for local environmental considerations.

The county administrative board in Västra Götaland has expressed concerns about the proposed Skagerrak Offshore Gamma park, as it lies within a protected Natura 2000 area with unique natural values. Additionally, they highlight the need for a Natura 2000 permit and request a thorough investigation of the cumulative effects of all proposed wind farms.

As the debate continues to unfold, it remains to be seen whether Sweden’s west coast will embrace offshore wind power or preserve its natural beauty and fishing traditions.

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