convictions and support for FAMAs – Info-Matin

by time news

2023-04-25 14:28:01

ADEMA calls for a sacred union around FAMa
The Adema-African Party for Solidarity and Justice (Adema-PASJ) is saddened by the crash of a Malian Army helicopter in Bamako and concerned by the multiplication of complex terrorist attacks against FAMa positions and civilian populations Malians causing deaths, injuries and significant material damage.
In these painful circumstances, ADEMA-PASJ presents its most heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims and to the entire Nation, wishes a speedy recovery to the injured civilians and soldiers.
Adema-PASJ is deeply shocked and saddened by this wave of heinous attacks, condemns them unreservedly, and encourages the Transitional Authorities to continue their efforts to break this spiral of violence in our country.
This wave of despicable terrorist attacks challenges all socio-political actors for a sacred union around the Defense and Security Forces of Mali, our common heritage. All citizens must redouble their vigilance and collaborate with the Defense and Security Forces in their noble missions of securing the national territory.
Adema-PASJ welcomes the promptness and effectiveness of the reactions of the FAMa, as well as the measures already taken by the Transitional Authorities to deal with the security situation in the country and encourages them to continue on this path.
Faced with the dangers, ADEMA-PASJ, while reaffirming its unwavering support for the Defense and Security Forces in their fight against the forces of Evil, believes that the defense of the Fatherland involves all Malians. Our country is threatened, and this must have an impact on our behavior and our attitudes.
May God preserve Mali!
Bamako, April 22, 2023
The Executive Committee
Pr Marimantia DIARRA
National Order Officer
The Convergence encourages the FAMa to redouble their efforts
The Convergence “LC” learned with sadness and dismay, the complex terrorist attack perpetrated in Sevaré, this Saturday, April 22, 2023.
This attack, which recorded deaths and injuries as well as enormous material damage, disturbed the tranquility of the populations of Sevaré and the surrounding area.
In these painful circumstances, La Convergence offers its deepest condolences to the families of the victims and to the entire nation. She wishes a speedy recovery to the injured.
In these difficult times, La Convergence supports the Malian Armed Forces in their daily fight against terrorist forces and encourages them to redouble their efforts to protect people and their property.
The Convergence invites the authorities of the transition to take all measures to identify, track down and bring before the competent courts the perpetrators and accomplices of this despicable attack.
Bamako, April 22, 2023
President of La Convergence
Elhadj Moussa TIMBINE
The RPM congratulates the FAMas for their professionalism
The Rally for Mali (RPM) notes with great bitterness the deterioration of the security situation in our country.
Indeed, this month of April 2023 recorded several complex attacks, clashes between the Defense and Security Forces (FAMas) and armed terrorist groups (GAT), inter-community brawls and various acts of abuse on civilian populations. in the localities of Mourdiah and Guire (Nara), Tidermene. Ouelessebougou, Mandoli (Bandiagara), Boni, and Sevare.
These barbaric acts perpetrated by the enemies of peace, therefore of our country, have caused loss of life, numerous injuries and significant material damage.
The RPM presents its sincere condolences to the people of Mali and to the families of the military and civilian victims and its wishes for a speedy recovery to the injured. He associates with these wishes the victims of the crash of a combat helicopter of our army, which occurred on Saturday April 22, 2023, in the district of Missabougou, in commune VI of the District of Bamako.
The RPM congratulates the FAMas for their professionalism, the responsiveness of the units and the chain of command, particularly during the events in Sevaré.
Finally, the RPM invites the military authorities to be more vigilant by improving intelligence. May God bless Mali and preserve the Malians.
Bamako, April 23, 2023
Bokary TRETA
CODEM supports the FAMa
The Convergence Party for the Development of Mali (CODEM) follows with concern and dismay a resurgence of terrorist activities in our country.
Yesterday, Saturday, April 22, 2023, the peak of horror and barbarism was reached through a series of attacks targeting our Defense and Security Forces but also the civilian population with its share of victims and material damage.
CODEM provides all its support to the Malian Armed Forces in the exercise of their sovereign mission of safeguarding the integrity of the territory, the protection of people and their property.
CODEM wishes speedy recovery to the injured and prays for the rest of the souls of all the victims.
CODEM calls on the Malian people to be vigilant and to unite sacredly behind our Defense and Security Forces for the final victory against the obscurantists.
“Let us first rely on our own strengths”
Courage to the FAMas!
Long live Mali united and standing on the ramparts!
Bamako on April 23, 2023
National Office

The CNDH condemns with the utmost rigor these barbaric and despicable attacks

The National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) has learned with deep sorrow of the multiple attacks perpetrated, this Saturday morning, April 22, 2023, against the Malian Armed Forces (FAMAs), the Defense and Security Forces and the civilian populations. in Sevaré in the Mopti region. The National Institution of Human Rights bows to the memory of the disappeared and wishes a speedy recovery to the injured.
Concerned by the recurrent heinous attacks, directed against the Defense and Security Forces, the civilian populations, and on the basis of the Constitution of February 25, 1992, the Transition Charter of October 1, 2020 (modified), the International Pact relating to Civil and Political Rights, the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and the Geneva Conventions on International Humanitarian Law, the CNDH:
– condemns with the utmost rigor these barbaric and despicable attacks;
-recommends to the Government to continue strengthening defense and security measures;
– invites the authorities to seek, identify and bring to justice the perpetrators, sponsors and accomplices of these serious abuses of human rights and international humanitarian law:
– reiterates its support for the defense and security forces of Mali in their relentless fight against terrorist forces, in accordance with human rights and international humanitarian law;
– calls on the partner forces to support and support the FAMAs in the fight against terrorism;
– invites the populations to collaborate more with the FAMAs.
For the CNDH, the protection of human rights is a shared responsibility.

Bamako, April 22, 2023
Aguibou Bouare

MINUSMA strongly condemns the attacks in Sévaré
Bamako, April 22, 2023 – MINUSMA strongly condemns the April 22 attacks on the Malian Armed Forces (FAMa) camp in Sévaré and the car bomb attacks that took place nearby which left people dead and injured. among civilians, including internally displaced persons living in Serema site. Shots were also fired towards the MINUSMA camp.
“These attacks are unacceptable. This is all the more so since attacking civilians is contrary to humanitarian principles and constitutes a serious violation of international law which protects civilians in times of armed conflict”, declared the Head of Mission of MINUSMA, El-Ghassim WANE.
The perpetrators of this attack must be identified quickly and brought to justice. To this end, MINUSMA declares its readiness to provide all necessary support to the Malian authorities for the conduct of the required investigations.
MINUSMA reaffirms its commitment to continue supporting Mali in its quest for peace and stability. It expresses its solidarity with the people and the authorities of Mali. MINUSMA offers its sincere condolences to the families of the victims and wishes a speedy recovery to the injured.

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