“Convince me to make a club card”: Residents in Samaria were surprised when the identity of the terrorist was published

by time news

Many residents of Binyamin and Samaria were surprised after the identity of Rani Abu Ali, the terrorist who carried out the attack at Shaar Binyamin this morning, was revealed.

His photos that were circulated looked familiar to them. In recent years, Abu Ali worked at Rami Levy branches, initially at Shaar Binyamin and then moved to the Ariel branch, as a cashier and head cashier, and because of this he came into daily contact with the customers in these areas, some of them even talk about the cordial and friendly relationship they had with him.

“We are really shocked,” says Eyal, a resident of Ariel, in a conversation with a first source “We used to see him here at the supermarket shopping, he was always nice and kind to everyone. He managed the main cash register, they always came to him and always helped. There is a very big shock here from this story “.

A resident of one of the communities in Binyamin told the Rishon source that “about a month ago I came to the Rami Levy branch in Ariel, I met a very, very nice cashier. I remembered him since he was here at our branch near us in Shaar Binyamin. He convinced me to get a club card, we started talking. He told me That the branch in Ariel is further from his home, but it’s nicer for him to work there, so he moved and he’s happy with the job. This morning I saw his picture and I was shocked to find out that it’s the same person, really strange to me. He was really one of the veterans at Shaar Binyamin, but three years ago he left.”

The terrorist who was eliminated. Has a work permit in Yosh

The terrorist who carried out the attack tried to escape after running over the female fighter, hit his car against a pole and was then killed by policemen who were on the scene. Abu Ali is 45 years old, married and the father of 5. Lived near Ramallah, held a work permit for the Yosh area. The terrorist Mohammad Murad Mahars, who carried out the attack about two weeks ago near Ariel, in which 3 people were murdered, also had a work permit. The commander of Shi District, Chief Uzi Levy, spoke earlier with The police officers Maj. David Yoel and Sergeant Major Menashe Naftali who worked to kill the terrorist, praised them for their determination and preventing the continuation of the campaign of harm led by Abu Ali.

The head of the Beit El Council arrived at the scene of the attack and called “to go out tonight for Operation Protective Wall”, according to him “a brave decision is needed. The Palestinian Authority is not only not cooperating, but it is helping the terrorist organizations to carry out these attacks, we will put an end to this.”

Head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council and Chairman of the Yesha Council Shlomo Na’eman said today following the attack: “Difficult morning. Once again the current security policy is endangering our lives. We are in the midst of a wave of terrorism and the terrorists are acting fiercely and without any deterrence. We come back and demand to change the policy – only hard-handed action against the enemy and the continued construction and development of the Jewish settlement will restore peace to the region. We pray for the healing of the fighter and thank the security forces for the quick handling of the incident. No terror will subjugate us, we will continue to live and grow in the land of our ancestors.”

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