Cooking oil burn: this is how you should treat it to prevent it from becoming infected

by time news

2023-09-13 02:32:40

Las cooking oil burns They are one of the most common accidents, especially when the dates approach when we cook for the whole family before a big celebration, whether it is dinner September 15, Christmas or New Year. Before applying anything that could cause a skin infection, find out how to cure a cooking oil burn.

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Las cooking oil burns They are one of the most dangerous due to the high temperature that the oil can reach when heated. In accordance with information the Journal of Burn Care and Research, When oil is overheated, it can reach its ignition point, that is, inflammation, which can trigger serious fires.

What degree are cooking oil burns?

When we cook for a big celebration, like the September 15, Christmas or New Year, Many times we rush to get dinner ready without delays. However, one carelessness is enough to suffer a oil burn. The problem is that when this hot substance comes into contact with the skin, it can cause severe second or third degree burns.

Even if you don’t believe it, the cooking oil burns cause damage to skin tissues, intense pain and even infections, especially if we use home remedies to speed up your healing process, such as using the banana peel; If it is contaminated with germs, you could develop a burn infectionnecrotizing the tissue.

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What to do in case of cooking oil burn?

For cure a cooking oil burneither oil splash, a saucepan fell on you or frying pan with hot oil or by overheating, that is, the oil got too hot and released a sudden flame, causing the burn, the first thing you should do is identify what kind of burn It is to treat it properly.

First-degree burn: The outer layer of the skin appears red, but does not cause severe pain. Second-degree burn: The skin appears red, swollen, and has blisters; It is accompanied by severe pain. Third degree burn: the skin appears charred or white; It is accompanied by severe pain and requires immediate medical attention.

Once the degree of burn with cooking oil, Now you will be able to know how to cure it and what you should not apply to it to avoid complications, since the severity of the cooking oil burn It is crucial to determine how to care for it without complications.

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If the burn is first degree, dermatologists American Academy of Dermatology Association recommend the following tips to cure a cooking oil burn:

Cool the burn: Immerse the burn in cold water or apply cold, wet compresses for 10 minutes until the pain goes away. Do not use ice, as it can damage the skin. Clean the wound: Gently wash the burn with water and neutral soap to prevent infection. Do not rub vigorously as this could worsen the injury. Cover the burn: Place a clean, dry gauze over the burn to keep it clean; This way, it will be protected from dirt and bacteria.Avoid breaking blisters: If blisters form on a cooking oil burn, do not burst the blisters as they act as a protective barrier against infection.Take pain relievers: yes If you feel pain, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, according to the directions on the package.

If the burn is more serious, it is best to see your doctor immediately to avoid complications, for example, burn infection that ends in necrosis.

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What ointment is good for cooking oil burns?

Before applying any ointment on a burnit is important that it contains ingredients such as silver sulfadiazine or hydrocortisone acetate. The first is an antibacterial agent that is often used on burns to prevent infection.

On the other hand, hydrocortisone acetate is a topical corticosteroid that can help reduce inflammation and relieve discomfort in some. minor burns. However, its use must be supervised by a specialist, as it is not suitable for all burns and could cause side effects.

What should not be done in case of a burn with cooking oil?

In none burnbut especially in those that are with cooking oil, it is recommended using home remedies such as toothpaste, Vaseline or other homemade ointmentsas these can trap heat, increasing the risk of developing infection and worsening the injury.

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Now that you know how to cure a cooking oil burn, Apply these tips to speed up your healing process. Take good care of yourself and enjoy these celebrations without risks.

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