Coparmex identified 3 AMLO errors behind the blackouts in Mexico

by times news cr

2024-05-10 16:16:35

After the blackouts in Mexicothe Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic, (Coparmex) identified 3 mistakes that Andrés Manuel López Obrador has committed (AMLO) during his six-year term, who would be behind this emergency.

This was announced by the employers’ union led by José Medina Mora Icaza during a statement issued a day after the power outages that affected around 21 states of the country the past May 7th.

It should be noted that the National Energy Control Center (PRICING) declared again Emergency Operational State in the National Interconnected System (SIN)with which it was predicted that the blackouts could happen again along the Wednesday, May 8.

CENACE Statement (PRICE)

Blackouts in Mexico: These were AMLO’s 3 mistakes identified by Coparmex

According to Coparmex, AMLO made 3 mistakes that led to blackouts in Mexico. These were:

  • AMLO policy stopped investing
  • AMLO turned his back on renewable energies
  • AMLO did not opt ​​for public-private collaboration

For this reason, Coparmex pointed out that it is necessary for the authorities to give way to dialogue and mainly to the private sector investments to solve the “lack of energy generation.”

In turn, the bet on clean and renewable technologies as well as for the “nearshoring”, could confront climate change, according to the information card launched by the Employers’ Confederation.

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“It is imperative that businessmen and government (headed by AMLO) let’s work together to ensure that Mexicans have clean, cheap electricity without blackouts,” the document stressed.

While Coparmex emphasized that AMLO’s mistakes after the blackouts in Mexico, “put at risk the safety and life of citizens in the face of extreme weather conditions.”

We are facing the risk that the blackouts detected yesterday in 21 states of the country will be repeated and aggravated by the current vulnerability of the National Electrical System. In the future, demand will increase more than energy supply”


Blackouts in Mexico: Coparmex warns that the AMLO government’s budget is not enough

Given this panorama, Coparmex also warned that the federal budget available in the AMLO government, is not sufficient to execute solutions to the problem that gave rise to the blackouts in Mexico.

It should be noted that the National Electric System reached its maximum demand of almost 48 mil 472 Megawatts (MW) of electrical energy consumed in one hour, as stated in the cited document.

Therefore, Coparmex proposed the expansion of the energy supply, both from the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) and the National Energy Control Center (PRICING).

“Which will allow the companies’ investments to complement those of the CFE and contribute to the creation of a clean and affordable energy supply in Mexico, since the situation exceeds what can be executed with the available federal budget”


CFE has not complied with energy projects, accuses Coparmex

Likewise, Coparmex stated that the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) has not fulfilled with the projects for “guarantee access to energy.”

This is based on the National Electrical System Development Program (They will profit), which stated that 232 planesthe company has only made nine.

Given this panorama, Coparmex indicated that the problem behind the blackouts is not due to the increase in energy consumption, but rather to the shortage of opening new generation power plants.

Added to this is that the “low investment in the transformation and transmission capacity” of the CFE puts confidence in the National Electric System.

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CFE has not complied with energy projects, accuses Coparmex (CFE)

What did AMLO say about the blackouts in Mexico?

For its part, AMLO asserted that the blackouts on May 7 in Mexico occurred due to the “intense heat throughout the country”, at the same time that he described these blackouts as a fact “exceptional”.

This is what the federal president said during his presidential morning conference this May 8where at the end of it he met at the National Palace with Manuel Bartlett, director of the (CFE).

In turn, AMLO pointed out when addressing the issue of blackouts in Mexico, that “half of the generation of electrical energy” is in charge of private companiesso it is crucial to reach an agreement with them.

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AMLO morning of May 8, 2024 (Galo Cañas Rodríguez)

2024-05-10 16:16:35

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