Cordata X l’Africa, inauguration of the exhibition “Obiettivo Celestino” curated by the Sulmonese Academy of Photography

by time news

The events of the Cordata X l’Africa opens tomorrow with the inauguration of the traveling exhibition “Obiettivo Celestino” curated by the Sulmonese Academy of Photography. The exhibition will be open from August 22 to 31

L’AQUILA. As part of the program of events of the “Cordata X L’Africa”, whose official program was presented yesterday morning in a well-attended press conference, will be inaugurated tomorrow at 5 pm in the San Basilio Monastery, the traveling exhibition “OBIETTIVO CELESTINO” curated by the Sulmonese Academy of Photography.

The exhibition will be open from 22 to 31 August 2024. The inauguration will be attended by: Rossella Ciurla – President of the Sulmona Academy of Photography; Luciano Fagagnini – Curator of the Exhibition. Following, a round table will be held “QVINTO – Historical cultural park” which will be created in Sulmona in honor of Celestine V; introduces Angel DeNicola – Friends of San Basilio; Greetings Ersilia Lance – Councillor of the Municipality of L’Aquila; Roberto Santangelo – Regional Councillor for Abruzzo; interventions are also planned Pink Giammarco – Vice President of the Giostra Cavalleresca; Angel Caruso – President of the Province of L’Aquila; Fabrizio Politi – Carispaq Foundation; Julius Mastrogiuseppe – Celestinian Association Sulmona; Conclusions of Gianfranco DiPiero – Mayor of Sulmona; Moderator: John Ruscitti – Journalist.

Following, at 7 pm for the appointment “NOTE NELLA CLAUSURA” musical tribute by Maestro Francesco Mammola classical mandolin.

All events are aimed at raising funds for the Celestine Benedictine nuns.


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