Corona almost gone – The miracle of Wittmund – Domestic politics

by time news

It sounds like an error in the database: The Wittmund district did not report a single new corona infection on Monday.

But it’s true: This district in Lower Saxony (57 384 inhabitants) is developing as an absolute antithesis to the ever-increasing corona incidence nationwide.

Wittmund currently has a seven-day incidence of just 47.1 (as of November 15)! That means: In the past seven days, only 27 corona cases have been registered in the Wittmund district. | Eisenach is no longer independent, but has been incorporated into the Wartburg district

The district is also a glimmer of hope in the dark Corona sky: There is currently no patient with Corona in the intensive care unit. The last Covid-19 death was reported by the Wittmund district on May 13.

A total of 1565 Wittmunder have been infected with the coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic, 35 of them have died. The highest incidence since the pandemic began was reported in the county on Jan. 10, 2021 at 188.

▶ ︎ The whole of Wittmund is currently at risk of infection level 3, which means that the regulations of the Lower Saxony Corona Ordinance for a seven-day incidence of over 50 still apply. Wittmund has only fallen below the 50 value in the past few days. If this stays that way for five days, measures could be scaled back.

The 3G principle has been in place everywhere since November 6th – vaccinated, recovered or tested.

The vaccination rate in Lower Saxony is currently 69.4 percent, slightly higher than the national average (67.5 percent). The district itself does not collect a vaccination quota.

Lower Saxony is twice the front runner in terms of the seven-day incidence: The district with the second lowest seven-day incidence in Germany is also in the federal state, because the incidence in the Heidekreis district is 47.6.

Nationwide incidence is 303

For comparison: nationwide, the seven-day incidence is 303.0, the day before it was 289.0.

► The incidence is currently highest in the district of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains at 1303.1 – almost 28 times as high as in Wittmund!

Map: Germany's Corona Hotspots - Infographic

The situation in the clinics

In the hospitals, the situation is worsening nationwide due to the sharp rise in the number of corona patients. The capacities in the intensive care units are in some cases almost exhausted, other operations that can be planned are being postponed.

The exact number of corona patients admitted to clinics per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days – the most important parameter for a possible tightening of the corona restrictions – was given by the RKI on Monday as 4.65 (Friday: 4.70). This value is not published on weekends.

With the indicator it must be taken into account that hospital admissions are sometimes reported with delay. A nationwide threshold value from when the situation can be viewed critically is not provided for the incidence of hospitalization, among other things because of large regional differences. The previous high was over 15.5 around Christmas 2020.

On Thursday there were 3,034 Covid-19 cases in intensive care treatment (plus 93 on the previous day). The proportion of Covid cases in intensive care units (ITS) is 13.8 percent (previous day: 12.7 percent).

The RKI has counted 5,045,076 detected infections with Sars-CoV-2 since the beginning of the pandemic. The actual total number is likely to be significantly higher, as many infections are not detected. The RKI stated the number of people recovered as 4,494,300.


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