Corona bang in Austria: Chancellor Nehammer names date for “Freedom Day”

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Of: Franziska Schwarz and Martina Lippl


Austria wants to lift almost all corona measures in March. Austria’s Chancellor Karl Nehammer presented the new Corona course at a press conference this Wednesday.

February 19 update at 2:31 p.m: Is “Freedom Day” in Austria in danger? Austria’s Chancellor Karl Nehammer defends himself against criticism.

February 17 update at 9:23 a.m: Austria loosens extensively (see previous updates). Germany apparently as well. But there, as here, masks should still play a role. In the neighboring country, masks are no longer available in shops – except in “essential trade”, i.e. in supermarkets, pharmacies and banks, for example. Aaron Brüstle reports for

In addition, FFP2 versions of the mouth and nose protection will still be mandatory in old people’s and nursing homes and in hospitals from March 5th. In closed rooms, however, only one recommendation applies to them – although the report states that inns can then be entered “without any rules”.

Austria’s Chancellor Karl Nehammer (front) at the press conference on the new corona easing. © Georg Hochmuth/AFP

Corona loosening in Austria: The new rules according to the press conference

Update from February 16, 2:15 p.m: The press conference on the relaxation of the corona virus in Austria has ended. From March 5th, the 2G rules will end almost everywhere, the mask requirement only applies in a few areas. Night gastronomy is allowed to open, free PCR tests after March 31 are to be abolished, and consultations are ongoing. From Saturday (February 19th) the first relaxation step will come into force in Austria.

Austria: The opening plan – the government announces the end of almost all corona restrictions from March 5th

  • From February 19, 2022 will be switched to the 3G rule, where the 2G rule currently applies. Unvaccinated people must submit a test if they want to visit a restaurant. The FFP2 mask requirement remains in place.
  • However, Vienna had already announced that it would stick to the 2G rule beyond February 19.
  • From March 5, 2022, almost all corona measures are to be lifted. As of this date, the G-Rules will come to an end and with them the Green Passport. Everyone can then visit restaurants, hotels and the like again without proof.
  • Exception from March 5th: The 3G regulation will remain in place in old people’s and nursing homes.
  • Curfew falls from March 5th – night gastronomy is allowed to open again.
  • Events can take place again without restrictions from March 5th.
  • From March 5th, FFP2 masks will remain compulsory in public transport as well as in supermarkets and banks, pharmacies, post offices and hospitals.

Update from February 16, 2:03 p.m: “Before March 15, a commission will decide on the mandatory vaccination law,” says Karl Nehammer. Only then would penalties be imposed for violating the vaccination requirement. The Vaccination Act is a toolbox and is just as flexible as the virus. “Vaccination remains important and so does the FFP2 mask,” says Nehammer.

February 16 update at 1:39 p.m: The opening steps in Austria are based on a forecast by the gecko experts, who also took into account the high number of omicron cases, explained Chancellor Nehammer when asked by a journalist. That is why the 3G rule would only be switched to from February 19th. That be more careful. Then on March 5th all G-rules should fall.

February 16 update at 1:29 p.m: According to Mückenstein, Austria wants to stick to the corona vaccination requirement. “We don’t want to be surprised again in autumn,” said the Austrian Minister of Health. Vaccination is the key to fighting the pandemic in the long term. The PCR tests will remain free of charge until the end of March. In the future, the focus should be more on wastewater monitoring.

Austria’s Minister of Health speaks of a “dignified spring awakening”

Update from February 16, 1:20 p.m: The omicron wave has reached a plateau, says Austria’s Health Minister Wolfgang Mückenstein (Greens). Mückenstein speaks of a “worthy spring awakening”. However, the Minister of Health cannot rule out that stricter measures could be taken again.

February 16 update at 1:17 p.m: The test strategy will be changed, announces Chancellor Nehammer. The precautionary principle remains the yardstick for action with a view to the autumn. Especially with a view to possible new variants. “We’ll get our freedom back in March”, albeit with all prudence.

Austria ends almost all corona measures on March 5th

Update from February 16, 1:10 p.m: The press conference is on. “In the last two years we have learned that the virus can change extremely quickly,” says Karl Nehammer (ÖVP). The Omikron variant is completely different from the Delta variant. Nehammer emphasized that it was possible to develop a clear picture of the situation and an outlook. From February 19, the 3G rule will apply instead of the 2G rule. However, the curfew and the obligation to wear a mask still apply. On March 5, the curfew should be abolished and also the mask requirement, but only in certain areas. “People should be freed from the measures as far as possible,” said Nehammer. Vulnerable people in our society must continue to be protected.

Update from February 16, 1:08 p.m: After the opening summit in Austria, the press conference on the easing of the corona measures has been delayed. Four podiums have been set up, but the government is still a long way off.

It is clear that Vienna’s mayor does not entirely agree with the easing that has been announced. Michael Ludwig has scheduled his own press conference for 2 p.m. “We must not forget one thing: the pandemic is not over yet,” tweeted Vienna’s mayor in the run-up to the federal government’s press conference.

February 16 update at 12:52 p.m: In Austria, all corona measures should soon be dropped. Chancellor Karl Nehammer and Minister of Health Wolfgang Mückstein want to inform about the relaxation of the corona virus at a press conference at 1 p.m. There should be a “freedom day” based on the “Freedom Day” in Great Britain. The date has already been set, as Austrian media unanimously report – it should be March 5th.

Updated February 16, 10:31 am: This press conference should interest many Austrians (and also some Germans who want to vacation in the neighboring country). At 1 p.m. this Wednesday, the government of Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) wants to announce its new corona resolutions. The politicians are still deliberating at the moment.

As in this country, a draft resolution is circulating in advance. The Austrian portal it is available according to its own information. Already on February 19th 2G will be replaced by 3G and the gastro curfew will fall (see first report).

However, March 5th could become “Freedom Day” for Austria. In the sense that almost all measures in the fight against the pandemic are dropped. In principle, only the mask requirement in certain places remains.

According to the report, the following new regulations from March 5th are up for debate:

  • Out for the 3G rule
  • Bars and clubs are allowed to reopen
  • No participant restrictions for private and public events
  • The mask requirement remains valid on public transport and at certain indoor events
  • From April, PCR tests will no longer be free

Above all, the omission of all G-rules would be striking. The Austrian newspaper The standard reports that she has asked government circles about this speculation and has so far received neither a confirmation nor a rejection.

Corona tests in Austria will soon be subject to a fee again?

Austria's Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) at a Corona press conference in January 2022 in Vienna.
Austria’s Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) © Lisa Leutner/AP/dpa

First report from February 15th: Vienna – Austria’s government is also holding a “Corona Summit” on February 16th. There is even talk of an approaching “Freedom Day” because the country has already relaxed. In the run-up there is a dispute about free corona tests.

Because the strategy should be revised. This is currently reported by the Austrian newspaper, among others The standard citing the APA news agency. “Paid tests yes,” she quotes Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP). The federal government had announced that it would finance the free tests until the end of March – unless it decides to finance them again on Wednesday.

Vienna against stopping free corona tests in Austria

That’s what the Austrian portal wants have experienced. During a visit to Switzerland on Monday, Nehammer confirmed: “We are in negotiations to abolish them.” It is unclear whether only for certain groups of people. However, Vienna is against making the tests subject to a fee. The state is testing loudly Standard about the program “Alles gurgelt” more than anywhere else in Austria.

Further reported about an opening plan by the government (without naming specific sources). The next Austrian Corona summit should take place on March 1st, which then wants to decide on the “complete opening” in the same month, according to the report. Specifically, that means:

  • 3G rule also in gastronomy
  • 3G rule for body-related services such as hairdressers (except for the medical and care sector)
  • Clubs are allowed to reopen

The following applies to the tests that allow access to the bars again: PCR tests must not be older than 48 hours, antigen tests must not be older than 24 hours.

Corona loosening in Austria: February 19 next deadline

The German-speaking neighbor already has some rules, for example for “2G” in retail (where the FFP2 mask requirement remains for the time being). From February 19th, further gradual easing will apply, for example “3G” – access also for those who have tested negative – will also apply again in tourism.

The vaccination rate in Austria is almost 70 percent. At the beginning of February, a general corona vaccination for adults came into force in the country. According to a media report, the government should at least not rule out its end. The 7-day incidence is almost twice as high as in Germany. The easing steps are justified with the manageable situation in the clinics. (frs with material from dpa and AFP)

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