Corona current: Czaja does not expect compulsory vaccination – politics

by time news

According to CDU General Secretary Mario Czaja, the Bundestag will not decide on compulsory vaccination this Thursday. “So far I haven’t seen a majority for any motion in Parliament,” Czaja told the German Press Agency. However, he doesn’t think this is a problem. The vaccines available do not offer reliable third-party protection and, under Omikron, do not prevent any infection either. It is important that people get vaccinated in order to be protected from serious illnesses. “However, under these conditions, compulsory vaccination does not seem proportionate. That is why one does not have to be decided now.”

Czaja emphasized: “We want to be prepared if a virus variant appears in the fall that is as dangerous as the delta variant. We propose a vaccination mechanism for this.” A vaccination register is a necessary starting condition for this. That is why the Union wants to create this now. “Provided that a suitable vaccine is then available, we have developed a step-by-step model of how we can protect particularly vulnerable people in the best possible way.”

A corresponding motion by the CDU/CSU parliamentary group is also up for vote this Thursday. Since there are supporters and opponents of compulsory vaccination in the Union – as in all other groups – it will be interesting to see whether all 197 MEPs really vote for it. Czaja was confident: “The parliamentary group is united behind our motion.”

Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD), on the other hand, said on Wednesday that he assumed that the Bundestag would decide on general compulsory vaccination this Thursday. The compromise proposal now presented by the supporters is a “good proposal”. It stipulates compulsory vaccination for everyone over the age of 60. It could be extended to all adults by the Bundestag in autumn if the corona situation makes this necessary. (07.04.2022)

RKI reports 201,729 new infections, incidence drops to 1,251

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports 201,729 new infections within 24 hours. That is 73,172 fewer cases than on Wednesday a week ago, when 274,901 positive tests were reported. The nationwide seven-day incidence continues to fall to 1251.3 from 1394.0 the previous day. 328 other people died in connection with the virus. This increases the number of reported deaths to 131,036.

The numbers are of limited value. Experts assume a high number of cases that are not recorded in the RKI data. Test capacities and health authorities are at the limit in many places, contacts are only traced to a limited extent. That is why we use the SZ Corona Dashboard to show an average value from the reports of the past seven days, which is intended to compensate for fluctuations from day to day. You can find more information on this in the transparency blog, further data and graphics on the pandemic here. (07.04.2022)

EU authorities do not want to recommend fourth vaccination

The EU medicines authority EMA currently does not consider a fourth corona vaccination to be necessary for all citizens. It is currently too early for a general recommendation, she said together with the EU health authority ECDC. However, a fourth dose could make sense for people aged 80 and over, given the higher risk of severe Covid disease in this age group.

“For adults 60 years and older with a normal immune system, there is currently no conclusive evidence that vaccination protection against serious disease decreases and that a fourth dose is of any benefit,” the authorities said. But there are also no safety concerns about a second booster vaccination.

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach recently campaigned in Brussels for a fourth corona vaccination for everyone over 60 years of age. The EU states declared that they wanted to proceed uniformly on this issue. They had waited for the recommendation of their health authorities to make the decision. So far, most corona vaccines have been administered in two doses. However, since the protection decreases after a few months, the authorities recommend a third dose, the so-called booster or refresher. According to studies in Israel, another booster should increase immune protection.

However, one has just been in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine Published research from Israel found that a fourth dose of the Biontech vaccine does reduce rates of Covid-19 infection in the elderly. However, this protection appears to be short-lived. It was therefore already after four weeks. However, the protection against serious illnesses did not decrease in the six weeks after the vaccination. However, further follow-up studies are needed to assess longer-term protection, the scientists explained. Another study from Israel last month showed that after a second booster shot with the Biontech vaccine, elderly people had a 78 percent lower mortality rate than those who only received a booster.

In Germany, the Standing Vaccination Commission has so far issued a recommendation for a fourth corona vaccination for over 70-year-olds and for groups of people at risk of health. In the USA, the FDA wants to advise on the need for additional booster vaccinations. A week ago, a second booster vaccination for people aged 50 and over with the vaccines from Biontech and Moderna was approved there. (06.04.2022)

Isolation obligation: Lauterbach admits mistakes

Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) has personally taken responsibility for the turnaround in the corona isolation obligation. His original suggestion that infected people would no longer have to stay at home alone was a “mistake” and “the wrong signal”. It was understood as a loosening step, but was not intended as such. When that became clear to him on Tuesday, he decided “not to let this idea continue” and to revise his decision. He had informed the Federal Chancellor of this, but had not been urged to do so.

Lauterbach announced the about-face in the evening on the ZDF program “Markus Lanz” and late at night via Twitter without previously informing the countries that have to implement the relevant rules. “I will collect this point that the infected people isolate themselves and are no longer asked by the health department,” he said on the show. However, he is sticking to the shortening of the isolation to five days.

After consultations with the federal and state health ministers, the minister originally announced on Monday that from May 1st, people infected with corona and contact persons would usually only have to be in isolation or quarantine voluntarily and for a short period of time. Infected people should therefore only be “strongly recommended” to isolate themselves for five days and avoid contacts – it should apply accordingly to contact persons of infected people. An order from the health department should be omitted.

There was criticism of the announcement from many sides – publicly as well as from experts who advised him, as Lauterbach said. This made him rethink. “I made the decision myself,” he said. “You don’t do that often.” However, he did not consider resigning.

The end of the obligation to isolate was originally intended to relieve the health authorities, said Lauterbach. This will also happen because in the future they will not have to order quarantine for contact persons. However, this is no longer the case in many cases today, since the authorities cannot keep up with their work.

In the Bundestag, the Union criticized Lauterbach’s about-face unsettling the population. The Green coalition partner also said that this was “not good communication”. to correct,” said Lauterbach. The “symbolic damage”, the impression given that Corona is not dangerous, is so devastating that this isolation regime cannot be used. (06.04.2022)

Compromise proposal: compulsory corona vaccination from the age of 60

There is movement in the struggle to find a compromise for general corona vaccination in Germany. The two groups of deputies in the Bundestag, who have each introduced their own draft legislation for compulsory vaccination, agreed on Tuesday on a joint proposal for compulsory vaccination from the age of 60. This increases the chances of the vote, which is planned for this Thursday without the usual group guidelines. First, the editorial network Germany reported on the compromise.

As it says in a statement, “a vaccination certificate is to be mandatory for all people over the age of 60, i.e. the particularly vulnerable population group”. It should be fulfilled by October. This obligation should be able to be suspended with a Bundestag resolution in June if the vaccination rate increases sufficiently. In the autumn, against the background of the then prevailing knowledge and potential virus variants, the Bundestag is to decide “whether the activation of the obligation to provide proof of vaccination for age groups from 18 years of age should also take effect”.

Specifically, it is the group around SPD parliamentary group leader Dirk Wiese and the Greens health expert Janosch Dahmen, who initially aimed for compulsory vaccination from the age of 18. On Monday she already presented a compromise proposal for a duty from the age of 50 with the option of extending it to all adults. The second group, led by the FDP health politician Andrew Ullmann, had proposed compulsory advice and then a possible compulsory vaccination from the age of 50. The initiative, which originally proposed mandatory vaccinations from 18, has so far been supported by 237 MPs. The group for compulsory vaccination from 50 initially supported around 45 parliamentarians. (05.04.2022)

Shanghai extends lockdown indefinitely

The Chinese port metropolis of Shanghai has extended the corona lockdown for its 26 million inhabitants indefinitely. Referring to the rapid increase in infections, Vice Party leader Gu Honghui spoke of a “race against time” on Tuesday. The mass tests on Monday, their verification and the transport of the infected to quarantine must first be completed before a decision is made on the further direction of the control measures. “The situation is very urgent.”

In the worst corona wave in China for two years, the health commission in Beijing reported a record of more than 16,000 new infections. With more than 15,000, most cases are asymptomatic. In Shanghai alone, 268 diseases and more than 13,000 infections without symptoms were reported after the tests of the past few days – for the first time more than 10,000 in one day. The northeast Chinese province of Jilin is also badly affected, where there are also curfews and millions of people are being tested. China is pursuing a strict zero-Covid strategy, which will be severely tested with Omicron and especially with the fast-spreading BA.2 variant. In China, anyone who is infected comes to a hospital or a quarantine facility that has been provisionally set up in Shanghai, including in gyms and exhibition halls and hotels. Actually, the curfews in western Shanghai should only run from Friday to Tuesday, but as before in the east and south, where the lockdown should be from Monday to Friday, people still have to stay at home. (05.04.2022)

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