Corona de Cristo: care tips so that your plant flourishes all year round

by time news

How many times do you have to give water to the crown of thorns? What kind of fertilizer benefits this plant? Along with other factors, the care it receives will be crucial to its flourishing.

Corona de Cristo: care tips so that your plant flourishes all year round

Last update: February 23, 2023

The imposing crown of Christ plant stands out beyond Lent. It is true that during the liturgical season the species acquires greater symbolism, due to the resemblance of the stem with the crown imposed on Jesus Christ for the crucifixion. In fact, legend has it that the same kind of branch was used.

But throughout the year, the beauty of its flowers, the simplicity of cultivation and the ornamental quality deserve the privilege of showing off the thorny shrub in gardens and on balconies. If it is a specimen that captivates your attention, write down the recommendations for its flowering.

Characteristics of the crown of Christ plant

Also known as “crown of thorns” for its spikes, these specimens are compared to succulents. If it is about open fields, the slopes and ravines are areas in which it usually develops; although on the terraces it shows that it is capable of growing, as long as it receives sun.

The scientific name is Euphorbia millet and belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae. Flowers sprout from the crown year-round, with deep red or pinkish bracts. and oval leaves with a slightly glabrous texture. Madagascar is the original site of the species, whose height sometimes exceeds one meter and provides other uses apart from ornamental.

On this point, a Miraflores Municipality publication comments on the value of the crown of thorns in herbal medicine. The institution indicates that the plant is used in phytotherapy and that its latex is convenient to help treat intestinal discomfort, diarrhea and stomach pain.

On the other hand, some scientific studies have proven with relative success the analgesic and sedative effect of the extracts of the plant. Beyond the antioxidants, which it shares with other species, it is assumed that the most active components in medicinal terms are diterpenoids and triterpenoids.

Any of these purposes deserves medical supervision, especially if it is a patient with a pre-existing pathology.

Euphorbia millet It is capable of flowering all year round.

These are the cares that the crown of Christ plant demands for its continuous flowering

In general, The thorn bush needs healthy soil to thrive. It does not require meticulous attention, but it does require some conditions for optimal flowering.

Protect her from the cold

The tropical origin of the crown of thorns means that it prefers temperatures of up to 35 °C. It is not friendly with the cold and it is possible that in winter it loses leaves.

Give it a dose of light

When grown as a houseplant, this species will “ask” for the sun’s rays, for at least 3 hours every day. As a solution, place it next to a window or in a point where solar radiation reaches it.

Keep in mind that, if you decide to move it to an outdoor area for its permanent permanence, it is possible that some leaves may result in burns because they are not used to constant sun. But in a few days the crown of thorns overcomes the condition and gets used to the new stay.

Stay alert against possible infections and pests

If the leaves of the Euphorbia millet they turn yellow, the soil may not favor them or they may need more water. On the other hand, when the branches or stems turn brown, the chances are high that a fungus is on the plant.

In the first scenario it changes and nourishes the earth. On the other hand, in the second, the way is to remove the damaged leaves and apply remedies such as olive oil. neem. According to an article in the magazine linking, the chemical components of neem they inhibit or interrupt the proliferation of pupae, larvae and eggs.

The lack of light or excessive cold are other factors that affect the continuous flowering. Pests are added that, in all plants, cause premature wilting and deformations.

Some of these pests listed by tropical nature are the following:

  • Trips.
  • Aphids.
  • mealybugs

water and fertilize

The Gardening Extension of the University of North Carolina highlights that the crown of Christ It favors dry or medium moisture soils with adequate drainage. The signal to hydrate the plant is to check if the upper part of the soil is dry; when hydrating it, do not flood the roots and in winter distance watering.

When the plant is in a pot, poke holes in the container to ensure water drains. If you have a plate under the flowerpot, empty it every 15 minutes to help it not reabsorb the water.

As for the fertilizer, they do not claim it, but a moderate amount contributes to its flowering. Likewise, fertilizers for succulents collaborate with the flowering all year round of the crown of thorns, especially if you dissolve them in water and make sure they do not have boron.

Prefer those fertilizers of natural origin that are low in their boron concentration.

pruning in summer

Pruning is not strict on the thorny crown. Use it only to control growth. Summer is the appropriate season to cut back very long branches. and autumn it is suggested to remove the withered parts.

reproduces by cuttings

Although the reproduction by seeds is effective, the crown of Christ is usually multiplied by cuttings. The method is based on cut a branch and plant it in a 50/50 mix of vermiculite and perlite.

Don’t forget to wear gardening gloves so you don’t get pricked by the thorns or touch the sap of the plant.

Caution: place the crown of Christ in a safe place

One last recommendation regarding the care of the plant is to have a safe space for it and for the inhabitants of the house, including pets. Happens that the spines contain a liquid that is toxic to the eyes and skin.

The Queensland Children’s Health Hospital advises if there is rubbing with the sap. The protocol consists of rinsing the affected area with plenty of water for 15 minutes and seeking medical assistance.

Children and animals may be attracted by the color of the plant and touch it, causing a prick with the spikes. From having the crown of thorns in patios or gardens, it would be convenient to border it with ornamental rocks to avoid the approach. If you plant it in pots, place it in a point that makes direct contact difficult.

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