Corona in Xian: China metropolis puts rule breakers in jail – politics abroad

by time news

Corona-Lockdown in der China-Diktatur!

Because of just 52 infections, the metropolis of Xi’an sent its 13 million residents into ultra-lockdown last Thursday – including a tough curfew, in which citizens are only allowed to leave their homes with permission.

Each residential district has its own lockdown checkers

Xi’an has a zero-covid policy that is only possible in a dictatorship:

▶ ︎ In 283 “closed” residential districts of the city, citizens are supplied with food from door to door, because they are not even allowed to go out. Exception: They leave their homes for the mandatory state tests for everyone.

Foto: VCG via Getty Images

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Queuing for the compulsory corona test: Here in the free area of ​​the polytechnic university of Xi’anFoto: VCG via Getty Images

▶ ︎ In a further 229 “controlled” residential districts, one appointed person per household is allowed to go out for two hours every other day to do the shopping. In some areas this regulation has even been tightened, where shopping is only allowed every three days.

There is one state inspector for every 10 residents who check compliance with the curfew. And there are severe penalties for breaking the rules.

10 days in prison for getting caught in the car

Anyone traveling without permission faces 10 days in prison and a fine of 500 yuan (almost 70 euros). And there are controls everywhere: The few vehicles on the streets are stopped and checked, and there are also checkpoints on the highways leading out of the city to ensure that Xi’an is cordoned off.

In Xian sind Test-Personal und Getestete durch eine Glasscheibe getrennt – die stehen im Freien SchlangeFoto: Getty Images

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In Xi’an, test personnel and those being tested are in some places separated by a pane of glassFoto: Getty Images

The hygiene measures are extremely strict: the entire metropolis has been disinfected. Workers sprayed germ-killing agents on streets and buildings from trucks. Residents were instructed not to touch any plants or building surfaces.

Disinfection cannons that shoot sparrows

“It’s like shooting at sparrows with cannons,” explains virologist Dongyan Jin from Hong Kong University to Reuters, since you don’t get infected by touching objects in the open air.

Die Straßen von Xian sind leer – wie diese hier, die zur 652 erbauten Wildganspagode führtPhoto: VIA REUTERS

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The streets of Xi’an are empty – like this one that leads to the Wild Goose Pagoda, built in 652Photo: VIA REUTERS

There are mandatory mass tests for the entire city. The test staff not only wear protective suits, masks and gloves, but also take the swabs on the tested person through a pane of glass.

155 infections – with 13 million inhabitants

Did it all help? On Monday, the provincial capital with its famous sights (terracotta army, bell and drum tower, wild goose pagoda) reported 155 new infections – five more than the day before.

In all of China, 162 infections were counted (previous day: 158), with China only counting cases in which symptoms of an infection also appeared. The omicron variant did not arrive in Xi’an. State medic and People’s Congress member Zhang Boli hopes that the outbreak will be under control “by the end of January” – that is, just before the start of the Olympic Winter Games in Beijing in February …

There is a lot at stake for China: Initial studies in Hong Kong indicate that even three vaccinations with the Chinese Sinovax vaccine hardly do anything against the new Omikron variant. If, despite the high vaccination rate, Corona spreads again in China, the country’s leadership would consider it an image embarrassment.


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