Corona incidence continues to fall to 342.0

by time news

DThe Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gave the nationwide seven-day incidence on Saturday morning as 342.0. This emerges from figures that reflect the status of the RKI dashboard at 5:20 a.m. The day before, the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week was 361.8 (previous week: 477.0, previous month: 720.6).

However, the incidence does not provide a complete picture of the infection situation. Experts have been assuming for some time that there will be a large number of cases not recorded by the RKI – due to overworked health authorities and because not all infected people have a PCR test done. Only these count in the statistics. In addition, late registrations or transmission problems can lead to a distortion of individual daily values.

The health authorities in Germany recently reported 42,375 new corona infections (previous week: 61,859 registered infections) and 120 deaths (previous week: 144) to the RKI within one day. Here, too, comparisons of the data are only possible to a limited extent due to the test behavior, late registrations or transmission problems. In general, the number of registered new infections and deaths varies significantly from weekday to weekday, as more and more federal states do not transmit to the RKI, especially at weekends, and report their cases later in the week.

The RKI has counted 24,575,600 detected infections with Sars-CoV-2 since the beginning of the pandemic. The actual total number is likely to be significantly higher, as many infections go undetected.

Meanwhile, more than 185,000 vaccine doses had to be destroyed in Berlin because they had passed the expiry date. For the most part, this affects the current year, as the Senate Department for Health announced at the request of the German Press Agency. According to an overview of the health administration, 110,500 doses of Moderna and 55,000 doses of the children’s vaccine from Biontech and 21,000 doses of the same vaccine for adults were destroyed. In Hamburg, more than 100,000 vaccine doses were destroyed after the expiration date.

“The risk cannot be completely avoided, because of course we want to have enough vaccine in stock to be able to vaccinate spontaneous vaccination guests and to be able to take their vaccine requests into account,” explained a spokeswoman for the Berlin health administration.

“However, we can also see here that more and more Berliners are being vaccinated by resident doctors and no longer in the vaccination center.” The proportion of vaccinations in medical practices was already 85 percent in April, and the trend is rising. The two large vaccination centers in Tegel and in the former ICC congress center in Berlin-Charlottenburg would therefore be closed at the end of June. Around 45,000 doses of vaccine were destroyed in the country’s own vaccination centers.

In order to reduce the risk of having to throw away the vaccine, only small quantities are reordered as needed. This only happens when the vaccine doses are no longer sufficient for a week’s needs. In the state’s own vaccination facilities and with the corresponding service providers for storage, there are still around 2000 doses of Biontech for adults, around 700 of the same vaccine for children and 2000 doses of Nuvaxovid from the manufacturer Novavax in the depot, as well as 5800 vaccine doses from Moderna.

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