Corona: Lauterbach in great concern: Omikron dynamics not visible in official figures – domestic politics

by time news

Model calculations had predicted a steep increase for the last few days of the year. But the corona numbers in Germany continue to decline. Like for weeks – piece by piece. Even in the clinics, the number of patients is falling slightly.

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (58, SPD) don’t trust peace!

Reason: test failures and reporting delays over the holidays.

To the real one Corona-The minister is currently trying in various ways to be able to assess the situation better Data from all over Germany.

Lauterbachs first finding: “An omicron dynamic that worries me very much – and which is not accurately reflected in the official figures,” the minister told BILD.

As BILD learned, Lauterbach has the responsible authorities in the districts on the kieker. Despite the corona emergency and an impending fifth wave of Omikron, testing and contact tracking in many districts have been severely shut down or stopped entirely.

RKI boss Lothar Wieler had already announced before Christmas that the corona situation would again be incompletely mapped over the holidays.

▶ ︎ Now the minister is putting pressure on the heads of the health authorities to quickly get meaningful data again.

THEN: On January 7, the federal and state governments want to come together again for a corona summit and evaluate the measures that came into force on Tuesday.

Omicron numbers are increasing rapidly

It is already clear: Despite the delay in reporting, the number of registered Omikron cases is increasing rapidly.

As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced on Tuesday, there are now 10,443 cases of infections with the new Corona variant. That is 3218 more than the day before. To date, four Omikron-related deaths have been reported.

The experts expect that the new variant will soon prevail in Germany, as it is in other countries.

Blind flight despite soldiers in constant use

▶ ︎ It is becoming increasingly clear that there is data chaos in Germany’s health authorities over the Christmas holidays in the second Corona year. And this despite the fact that 6500 soldiers are deployed to provide administrative assistance in 15 federal states (all except Bremen).

The tracking of contacts is one of the focal points, as a spokesman for the Territorial Tasks Command announced when asked by BILD. The soldiers also help in retirement homes and hospitals, in test centers and with vaccinations. Even over the holidays, 4,000 people in uniform were on duty.

Apparently, the troops’ efforts were not enough to save the data. Germany flies in the Corona blind flight – again.


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