Corona Pop-Up Injection Locations: Get Vaccinated Without an Appointment in the Region

by time news

2023-10-31 09:42:48
From November 9, Hecht GGD Hollands Midden will be opening corona pop-up injection locations throughout the region. These temporary injection locations will allow individuals to receive a corona shot without an appointment. However, the permanent vaccination locations in Alphen aan den Rijn, Gouda, and Leiden will also remain open, but appointments are necessary at these sites for the time being.

The corona pop-up injection locations will be available at various locations in the region. Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel in Music School MOZ-art will offer vaccinations on Saturday November 11, 18, and 25, as well as December 2 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Schoonhoven in De Ark will also have vaccinations on Thursday 9, 16, 23, and 30 November from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. However, it is important to note that these dates and times are subject to change. Therefore, individuals are advised to check the website for the most up-to-date information and addresses.

Margreet Bekedam, the vaccination manager at Hecht GGD Hollands Midden, explained that the corona pop-up injection locations are primarily intended for individuals who may have difficulty accessing the regular injection locations. She mentioned that no appointment can be made for an injection at a pop-up location, which could result in waiting times. Therefore, it is advisable to plan accordingly. For individuals who want more certainty about their vaccination appointment, they can schedule an appointment at Alphen aan den Rijn, Gouda, or Leiden through the website or by calling 0800 – 7070.

Bekedam also highlighted that individuals who are unable to come to a vaccination location due to a serious illness or disability can receive the coronavirus shot at home by calling 0800 – 2077.

The current vaccination round is targeted towards individuals who are at a higher risk of becoming seriously ill from the coronavirus. This includes people over 60, adults who are offered the flu shot, children and adults with a medically high risk, and pregnant women. Healthcare workers and individuals with a vulnerable family member are also eligible for the vaccine. The vaccination round will continue until the end of 2023, with pregnant women and individuals with a high medical risk remaining eligible for the corona shot. The vaccine used for the injection has been modified to target the variant of the virus currently widely circulating.

It is important to note that only individuals over 60 will receive an invitation letter for the vaccination. These invitations will be sent out in parts, so some individuals may still be awaiting their invitation. While some invitations will include appointment dates, times, and locations, other eligible groups will not receive an invitation. Bekedam advised individuals who have already scheduled an appointment at Alphen aan den Rijn, Gouda, or Leiden but would prefer to go to a corona pop-up injection location, to cancel their appointment, making space available for others at the regular locations.]
#Hecht #GGD #Hollands #Midden #opens #corona #popup #injection #locations #region

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