Corona vaccination: are we now also boosting our 4th spades? – Domestic policy

by time news

We are only just on the third, in Israel there is already the fourth spades!

Because of the Spread of the omicron variant from Coronavirus in Israel over-60-year-olds are now supposed to have a fourth Vaccination dose receive.

A panel of experts from the Israeli government also recommended on Tuesday evening that health care workers should also be vaccinated for the fourth time.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett called on all citizens who meet these criteria to get vaccinated. According to his office, he instructed the health insurance companies to prepare for another broad vaccination campaign.

This will help “overcome the omicron wave that is flooding the world,” said Bennett. “Israeli citizens were the first in the world to receive the third dose of vaccination and we are continuing with the fourth vaccination.”

According to an Israeli expert, the number of antibodies drops after a booster vaccination against the coronavirus, similar to the second dose.

“It is a natural process that the antibodies gradually decrease again after a vaccination,” said Professor Ejal Leschem, an expert on infectious diseases, of the dpa. Only within a few weeks will it be known what that means in concrete terms for vaccination protection. Because this depends not only on antibodies, but also on so-called T cells.

Leschem considers the decision for a fourth vaccination dose appropriate in view of the “considerable danger” posed by Omikron. “It is also not uncommon to give four doses of vaccine within a year,” said the expert. This is, for example, the number of doses that children in Israel received in their first year of life against the causative agent of polio (polio).

Does the 4th of spades come with us too?

It is still completely unclear whether the fourth spade will also be necessary in Germany. The vaccine manufacturers say that the data are not yet sufficient for this.

One would now primarily evaluate the facts that came from Great Britain. Reason: There you are clearly ahead of us in the corona wave and the Omikron data obtained can also provide information about the necessary measures for Germany.

BECAUSE: Only the empirical values ​​from the booster – i.e. the third prick – can give clues as to whether a fourth vaccination is necessary. This cannot be determined in the laboratory, according to a vaccine manufacturer.

Israel has already passed the fourth corona wave. Recently, however, the number of infections has risen again. Only around 59 percent of the 9.4 million Israelis are still considered fully vaccinated. These are twice vaccinated up to 6 months after the second vaccination and people with booster vaccination. 32 percent of the population are not vaccinated at all, with nine percent the vaccination has already expired.


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