Corona virus is man-made – China’s Wuhan laboratory scientist informs | Corona virus is man-made – China Wuhan laboratory scientist informs

by time news

New Delhi: A Wuhan laboratory scientist in China has said in his new book that the corona virus was created by humans.

Andrew Hubb, a scientist from America. He was working at the Wuhan Virology Research Center. He has now written a book titled “The Truth About Wuhan”. In it, the corona virus came out of the Wuhan laboratory. He said that it was created by humans.

In this regard, Hub said: There are no adequate control measures to ensure proper biosecurity and risk management in foreign laboratories. It was the result of the leak of the coronavirus from the Wuhan Institute of Virology laboratory two years ago.

For more than a decade, this Wuhan organization, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has been studying several types of coronaviruses in bats. NIH is the premier US government agency responsible for biomedical and health research. Therefore, the US government is complicit in transferring such dangerous biotechnology to the Chinese. We have put bioweapons technology in their hands. This is what he said in the book.

The New York Post reported that the ruling Chinese Communist Party is pressuring the Wuhan Research Institute to produce scientific discoveries to boost its global standing, even though it lacks the resources it needs.

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