Corona ǀ It hits the poorest and those who have been left behind again — Friday

by time news

So now, without warning or a transition period, they have deprived over three million people (information varies) of their vaccination status: overnight, those who had only one vaccine with the active ingredient Johnson and Johnson to be considered fully vaccinated, than that anymore. And those who thought they were boosted with another dose of vaccination now need another vaccination as well. This is announced by the Paul Ehrlich Institute, a subordinate authority. Without a debate, without a parliamentary decision, just like that.

Where’s the outcry? I don’t hear anything. Why is that, although so many are affected? The one-time vaccination was given primarily to the poorest and most underprivileged – people who have almost no lobby. Johnson and Johnson got refugees, the homeless and people in deprived communities. Oh no, they now call the areas I fought my way out of “vulnerable social spaces”. As if one of those affected would understand, let alone that the new term would change something about the catastrophic housing and living conditions.

Excluded from social life

These neighborhoods are in constituencies where less than half of the people vote. So these people are now out of social life without warning. As if, unlike the social and political elite, they hadn’t already suffered enough during the pandemic – in their cramped living conditions (where they were massively affected by the exit restrictions) and the lack of money, which was exacerbated by the school and blackboard closures. The new vaccination status will now bring those affected to the polls in droves at the next election. irony button off.

Why did the poorest get this vaccine in the first place? “Because,” a doctor explained to me last June, “you can’t make two appointments with people like that.” With “those” people, whatever that means.

Germany, your social division is getting deeper and deeper.

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