Coronavirus, 4,526 new cases and 26 deaths. The focus on the week: + 32% of infections and almost 300 more beds occupied in the wards

by time news

Over the past seven days, cases have increased by 32% compared to the previous week. With i 4.526 new infections ascertained in the last 24 hours, rise to 30.792 the positives tracked from Monday to Sunday, 7.487 in addition to the period 18-24 October. Comparing two weeks with a similar number of swabs – it was 3,324,669 in the previous week, it was 3.202.869 from Monday to today – we can now say that the recovery observed after the introduction of the Green pass obbligatorio it was not due to the test race, but to an actual one increased viral circulation.

Also confirmed byincrease in hospitalizations: if between 18 and 24 October there was already a balance-entry-exit of +87 beds occupied, in the last seven days it has gone even worse with a +281. The third clue comes from the rate of positivity of the molecular buffers, passed from 3.1 to 3.9 percent. On the other hand, the entrances to intensive care (+7 compared to 160 the previous week) and deaths (285 to 274). A “resurgence” of the pandemic had already been reported by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, while underlining that the data, although significantly worsening, remain far from the emergency recorded last autumn.

In the last 24 hours, as mentioned, 4,526 new infections were found among the 350,170 swabs processed, of which 266,137 were rapid. L’incidence then goes up to1,3%, while that of molecules settles at 5.1. THE deaths They were 26. In the face of 47 more beds employed in medical departments by infected with symptoms, there are 4 fewer patients assisted in intensive care in one day 17 entrances. As already happened on Saturday, the Campania is the region with the greatest increase of cases (636) followed by Lazio (528). The Lombardy reports 474 new positivity, the Veneto 388, the Tuscany 385, l’Emilia Romagna 372 and the Sicily 301. The Friuli Venezia Giulia, an area on which warnings are multiplied by incidence of cases in relation to the population, reports 295. Over 100 cases also in Piedmont (193), Puglia (184), Calabria (178), Walk (118) e Abruzzo (105).

Since the beginning of the pandemic they have been 4.771.965 i confirmed cases of infection with Sars-Cov-2 in Italy. In 132.100 I’m deceased, while 4,557,417 are healed or were discharged (+2.432 in the last 24 hours). The currently positive I am therefore 82.448: in 79.352 they are found in home isolation, while 2.754 they are hospitalized with symptoms in the medical and other departments 342 they are assisted in intensive care.

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