Coronavirus chronicles of Kostroma: 119 cases, 505 cured, 5 dead

by time news

The regional operational headquarters for combating the epidemic of coronavirus infection reports that 119 new cases of COVIDa were recorded in the Kostroma region per day on December 20, of which 41 were in Kostroma itself, 9 – in the Galich region, 7 each – in Sharya, Makaryevsky and Nerekhtsky districts , 6 each – for Kostroma and Ostrovsky districts, 5 each – for Volgorechensk and Soligalichsky region, 4 each – for Buysky and Sudislavsky districts.

3 cases of COVID were diagnosed in Manturovsky and Chukhlomsky districts, 2 each in Neya, Kadysky and Mezhevsky districts. Isolated cases of the disease were detected in Vokhma, Krasny-on-Volga, Pavino, Kologrivsky and Susaninsky districts. Another sick person is a resident of a neighboring region who is on a business trip in the Kostroma region.

Yesterday also brought a small positive record – sick leave were closed after recovery for 505 (!) Kostroma residents.

Now there are 295 patients in the “red zones” of Kostroma hospitals, of which 36 are in intensive care.

Another 4265 people are treated on an outpatient basis.

However, despite the decrease in the incidence of COVID, mortality from it remains – alas! – at the same level.

So yesterday, according to the results of pathological studies, coronavirus infection was recognized as the cause of death of five residents of the region: it was confirmed in five more deceased: one woman of 90 years old and four men of 74, 75, 80 and 85 years old. All the dead were not vaccinated …

In the general statistics of the victims of the epidemic in the Kostroma region, there are now 1,071 deaths …


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