Coronavirus: Germany tightens anti-epidemic measures | News from Germany about Germany | Dw

by time news

In Germany, against the backdrop of the growing number of coronavirus infections, the heads of government of the federal states, as well as representatives of the federal government at a meeting on Thursday, November 18, decided to tighten restrictions for citizens who were not vaccinated against coronavirus and who did not recover from COVID-19.

The main indicator for the introduction of new restrictions in this case should be the number of hospitalizations per 100,000 population in a particular federal state. If this figure is 3, the so-called 2G rule should come into force, according to which participation in public life is allowed only to those who have been vaccinated and who have recovered from COVID-19. Presenting a test confirming the absence of coronavirus infection will no longer be enough.

Mandatory tests for those who have been ill and vaccinated

If 6 hospitalizations per 100 thousand of the population are recorded, the 2G + rule will come into force, which means that citizens who have been vaccinated and who have recovered from COVID-19 will also have to present a negative coronavirus test when attending public events.

With an increase in the hospitalization rate to 9, additional restrictions will be introduced, including in terms of social contacts.

These measures will apply not only when attending social events, but in entertainment establishments, catering establishments, as well as in hotels and in the provision of services that do not allow observing social distance, for example, when visiting a hairdresser.

As of Thursday, November 18, according to the Robert Koch Institute, there were 5.2 hospitalizations per 100,000 population in Germany.

Financial assistance to enterprises

Among other things, the document agreed by the heads of regional governments and the federal cabinet states that the payment of financial assistance to enterprises affected by the consequences of the pandemic will be extended.

It is also planned to provide financial support to entrepreneurs who will suffer losses due to restrictions on Christmas markets, which will open in Germany in the near future.

Compulsory vaccination of representatives of a number of professions

Some federal states are calling for the introduction of compulsory coronavirus vaccination for certain professions, such as employees of hospitals and care facilities for the elderly and the infirm, since the latter are at especially high risk of complications if they contract the coronavirus.

For their part, the authorities of the lands promised to improve control over the availability of certificates of vaccination or previous illness among citizens, as well as negative tests.

Booster vaccinations

Another measure to combat the pandemic in Germany should be work on re-vaccination of residents of the country who were vaccinated against coronavirus a few months ago. According to the information of the meeting participants, the acting German Chancellor Angela Merkel has set the Länder governments a goal of providing a total of 27 million citizens with booster vaccinations. At the moment, about 4.8 million residents of the country have already received the third injection. At the same time, Merkel expressed the opinion that the agreed restrictions are not enough.

Meanwhile, the Standing Commission on Vaccinations (Stiko), after weeks of debate, decided to recommend booster vaccination against COVID-19 to all people over 18 years of age. At the same time, in some cases, it was allowed not to wait for the passage of six months from the moment of the last vaccination and to give the third injection, if possible, after five months.

The likely successor of Angela Merkel as head of the federal cabinet, Olaf Scholz, as well as the heads of the relevant departments, took part in the meeting of heads of state governments on November 18. The next meeting in this format is scheduled for December 9th.

3G rule at work and on public transport

Earlier that day, November 18, the Bundestag approved amendments to the epidemiological protection law, which would include new measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic. In particular, we are talking about the 3G rule (got sick, got vaccinated, tested: genesen, geimpft, getestet) at the workplace and when using public transport. First of all, the “greens” and the Free Democratic Party (FDP) insisted on the introduction of appropriate restrictions.

Now these measures will have to be approved by the Bundesrat.

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