Coronavirus, Hope: “In the coming hours, a technical table with the Regions on requests”. Sileri: “Modify data communication”

by time news

The pandemic is changing and for this reason also “the data communication must be updated “. Now the Undersecretary for Health also supports it, Pierpaolo Sileri, which, speaking to Rai Radio1, he also adds that “the new phase of the epidemic must soon bring us a review the rules especially for the hospital management“. And over the course of the day, speaking a Sunday In, reiterated that a review “could be done in the next few days, perhaps within a couple of weeks, with a distinction between those who are positive al virus ei sick people. This allows us the variant that circulates today “. The point, he stressed, “is that today both the variante Omicron that the Delta and the Delta gives problems. The majority of those who are in intensive they are in fact largely infected with Delta e not vaccinated. They also go to intensive care infected with Omicron, but it is less likely ”.

In the evening, the Minister of Health was much more cautious Roberto Speranza, what a host of Countercurrent on Rete4 he limited himself to recalling that “the life of the great majority of Italians in recent months has been without great limitations”. And, regarding the next few weeks, he only explained that “we will have to open a comparison with the Regions and in the next few hours we will open a technical table to address the issues they have proposed “. But in “this phase with so many infections, the scientific community tells us that the infected person must stay in isolation” and we must “keep our feet on the ground” even in the face of small signs of cooling of the curve. While on do-it-yourself test to enter and exit the isolation authorized by theEmilia Romagna, as well as on Nicola Zingaretti’s proposal to eliminate the swab at the end of the 5-day isolation for vaccinated and asymptomatic positives, the minister stressed: “Evaluations that we must leave to scientific community, of which I have the utmost confidence, because they are not evaluations of a political nature. Our scientific community is telling us that if a person is positive he must be in isolation because it can infect even if it is without symptoms, and it is right that at the time of the release you can do one verify through a tampon “.

It therefore remains to be understood how much Sileri’s words are shared and can lead to a change of strategy within the government, also in the light of a negative opinion on the point expressed by the Scientific technical committee, but the undersecretary explains that his position is mainly due to the fact that “the progressive emergence of the variant Omicron on the Delta is changing (of the pandemic, ed) the characteristics “. And for this it is necessary to adjust the strategies, including communication. This is because, he adds, “the simple data of the number of infected persons per se it is of little significance in the presence of a virus become much more contagious but less aggressive, especially with the vaccinated. Equally and perhaps more important is knowing who enters the hospital today, what their age is, what their vaccination status and any possible comorbidities. This information can help us to better understand to those who still hesitate to get vaccinated that Covid has not become a flu “.

While reiterating that Covid “it has not become a ‘trivial’ flu and its consequences on those who are not immunized, even if young and in good health, can be very serious “, the change of vision advocated by Sileri seems to veer towards a normalization it’s a coexistence with the virus. “The new phase of the epidemic – he concluded – must soon lead us to review the rules especially for the management of hospitals, on the one hand recovering spaces for human relations between patients and their relatives, on the other by resuming giving the right attention to all the pathologies that the Covid emergency has forced us to overshadow. It is another of those steps that will have to mark the transition from pandemic to endemic, from the emergency to living with the virus “.

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