Corporate governance: How to make a board of directors more effective?

by time news

2023-09-11 13:05:15

DIG/ At the initiative of the Gabonese Institute of Directors (IGA), directors of public, parapublic and private companies in Gabon took part, on Friday September 8, 2023, training on the effectiveness of a board of directors.

A useful session from all points of view, in that it gave participants elements of appreciation of measurement and business management.

Specialist in issues of governance, ethics and social responsibility, Dr Bakari Traoré enlightened the audience on the determinants of the effectiveness of a board of directors.

“A board of directors is set up to contribute to the creation of values ​​at the company level. And that, if it is not effective, it cannot participate in achieving this objective”he indicated.

A lawyer by training, the Ivorian expert therefore enlightened the participants on the elements that could contribute to the efficiency sought within a company. Insisting on the personality of the chairman of the board of directors, the culture within this same board, its size, the conditions in which the meetings are organized. As well as on questions of conflict of interest, ethics and behavior within boards of directors.

“You are not born an administrator, but you become one.

This meeting therefore made it possible to highlight the importance of relationships within a board of directors, by emphasizing the role of the board of directors which is headed by a president whose mission is to ensure that the college of directors operates according to the rules, verifying the business strategy, good governance, the internal control system and the objectives set for the company.

For its part, general management must ensure the implementation of the strategy defined by the board of directors.indicated Henri Claude Oyima, president of the Gabon Business Federation (FEG), at the end of this training.

It should be noted that the IGA is a partner association of the FEG, created with the aim of training business administrators. Considering that today, the governance standards of these companies have evolved significantly.

It is in consideration of all this that Dr Bakari Traoré set out to provide details on the determinants of the effectiveness of the board of directors, in order to allow his interlocutors to better understand good practices in this area.

In order to avoid dysfunctions within this same council.

#Corporate #governance #board #directors #effective

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