Corsica bans flyers from its mailboxes

by time news

The island is experimenting with the “Oui pub” system, a first at the regional level. But the measure is not painless for companies in the sector.

From our correspondent in Bastia, Julian Mattei

> has been tested in several communities. In Corsica, it will be for the first time at the regional level. ” title=”Since September 2022, the device< Oui pub >> has been tested in several communities. In Corsica, it will be for the first time at the regional level. “/>
Since September 2022, the “Oui pub” system has been tested in several communities. In Corsica, it will be for the first time at the regional level.
© Fabien Cottereau/Southwest/MaxPPP

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Lhe objective appears in full on the communication posters of Syvadec, the Corsican waste recovery union: to become “the first region in France without a prospectus”. For the past few days, the island has been experimenting with a unique device to fight against paper waste.

For three years, the duration of this “test” phase, Corsicans will no longer receive unaddressed advertising material in their mailboxes, unless otherwise stated duly indicated by the presence of a “Oui pub” sticker. Until now it was necessary, on the contrary, to stick a “Stop pub” on its mailbox. Allowing prospectuses therefore becomes the exception.

This measure for “more responsible” advertising comes from the Climate and Resilience Law of August 22, 2021 and was one of the key proposals of the Citizens’ Convention for the Climate.

“Reduce waste”

“The objective is to tend towards sobriety”, explain the services of Syvadec, responsible for the deployment of this device on the island. Each year, in France, more than 700,000 tons of printed advertising distributed in mailboxes are thrown in the trash, 44% of which are not even read.

“This measure will allow us to change consumption patterns, so that advertising is less suffered, and to significantly reduce waste,” says the union.

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In September 2022, eleven communities – municipalities and intermunicipalities – have already committed to this approach across the country. The island is nonetheless a pioneer in experimenting with it on a regional scale.

According to Syvadec, it should make it possible to reduce “by at least 70%” the volume of printed advertising material distributed in Corsica – around 3,000 tons annually, or 9 kilos per inhabitant and per year. Far from being negligible in a territory that has been struggling to find solutions for the treatment of its waste for years.

“More than forty jobs impacted”

This measure also finds a favorable echo in island opinion: according to a study by Syvadec, 82% of Corsicans say they are “ready” to no longer receive advertisements. However, this enthusiasm is not shared by all, especially in companies in the sector.

“More than forty jobs are directly impacted by this device within our two distribution units of printed advertising”, notes Laurent Torre, delegate of the Union of Corsican workers (STC) at La Poste, in Corse-du-Sud. Most will be redeployed to other departments but, in the long term, these workstations will be eliminated due to a political decision which aims to mask catastrophic waste management, by giving a clear conscience, ”continues the trade unionist.

Syvadec ensures, for its part, that employment support measures are implemented for distributors during the experimental period: long-term partial activity, training schemes or assistance for the retraining of employees.


The other two companies in this sector on the island are no less upset in the face of what they present as unpreparedness.

Sandra Pacheco, manager of the company 2A Publicité, had to lay off her seven employees and denounces a lack of anticipation by the public authorities. “Since this experiment was launched, we have hardly any more work, deplores this business manager. Apart from a few customers, most contracts have come to an end. The population has not been sufficiently informed about the functioning of the “Oui pub” system. The sticker to continue to receive unaddressed advertising in their mailbox has not even been distributed yet…”

This means that many parameters must still be taken into account before extending this new practice. The government is giving itself three years to measure the impacts before deciding whether or not to generalize it throughout the country.

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