Corsica, New Caledonia … Old Churdakhani

by time news

2024-07-26 05:09:31

I forgive you in the name of friends of a journalist in prison

Time is the best judge, they say. In other words, even if it is late, justice prevails – it is said in this sense. In fact, there was no faith in this saying in Azerbaijan, how can the people believe in such a thing about oppression? He who has it, will not believe. In a country where the World Media Forum is taking place, in the midst of all kinds of injustice, misery, where no rights are protected, journalists in prison for their words, where the judge makes unjust decisions, you cannot believe what he says; when God is oppressed, moreover, when there is a problem related to time…

Recently, on July 17-18, a conference was held in Baku. It is a pity that we did not have the opportunity to participate, it can be considered as bad luck, such an opportunity does not always come. I think our dear and respected readers have got a lot of information about this event, because AzTV has provided full information to our people and announced such an event a few days ago. I mean the collective of people who suffered from French colonialism…

How long has official Baku been quarreling with Macron? In fact, the pro-Armenian position of France after the 44-day war (actually, France was in the same position before the 44-day war, it seems that we are the ones who changed its position) irritated the government, that is, the YAP government. It is not known why, because France has always stood by the Armenians even when it was a member of the Minsk Group of the OSCE, before, and even after this group ceased its work. This is known to our ordinary citizens, political scientists, the TV channels that give them air time, and the Presidential Administration and they have never been so aggressive towards France. Even during the 30-year occupation period, relations between France and official Baku were always at a high level. In the events held at the French embassy in Azerbaijan every year on July 14, state officials stood at the head of the assembly (tribune) and the eating and drinking table, sometimes they took the food in turn, and drank more French wine. than anyone else. In addition, with the support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, 70 events were held in France for almost 20 years, and at the same time, 7 churches in 7 settlements were repaired with the funds of the fund. The fund supported the restoration of around 20 Catholic churches in the Lower Normandy region, and the monuments in the grounds of the Palace of Versailles were restored. The cathedral in Strasbourg was also renovated at the expense of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. In 2011, with the support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, the groundbreaking ceremony of the French High School was held in Baku, and in 2014, the high school was opened… Heydar Aliyev’s first official visit abroad (December 19-22, 1993). ) who went to France at the invitation of French President Francois Mitterrand. Ilham Aliyev, who was elected president in 2003, also started his first official trip abroad from France (January 23, 2004). Jacques Chirac, Nicolas Sarkozy, Francois Hollande were our dear guests. Something is wrong with Macron…

It seems that our people were not aware of the French colonial policy during these years. It is as a result of this ignorance that they decided to hold such a meeting in Baku, that is, they were very late. They too – those who suffered from colonialism, took advantage of the opportunity and created the Freedom Front in Baku. Official and unofficial newspapers, all websites that write news with MEDIA money have published information about this:

“At the end of the closed discussions at the first conference held in the capital of Azerbaijan, leaders of about 20 political parties and independence movements from Corsica, Melanesia, Polynesia, the Caribbean and the Antilles organized due to French colonialism, organized by the People. The Union for the Liberation of Guadeloupe and with the support of the Baku Initiative Group, They agreed to establish the International Liberation Front for their colonies.”
Which of them who suffered from colonial oppression, they challenge us, do not know that there is a terrible hatred for the words Freedom and Front in Azerbaijan?!

Finally, let’s look at history: Corsica has been a French colony since 1764, New Caledonia in 1853, and Polynesia since 1880. New Caledonia, which defends Azerbaijan with all its strength, and even sends AzTV correspondents to actions, that is, everyone in our country knows from children to adults, has been a French colony for 171 years. In Corsica, this date is 260 years…

It seems that they have mixed up the years or centuries… Moreover, our judges do not look at the time, their decision may also refer to the Middle Ages, to the primitive community structure…

Rovshan Hajibeyli

#Corsica #Caledonia #Churdakhani

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