Coslada commemorates International Women’s Day 2024 under the motto Get on our wave! No woman should be left behind

by time news

The 8M Demanding Concentration and the XXXII March for Equality stand out

The Councilor for Equality, Paz Garretaspresented this morning the program of events on the occasion of the International Women’s Day, which is celebrated on March 8. This year’s motto will be Ride our wave! No woman should be left behind.

With this phrase, which is a nod to the current fourth wave of feminismwe want to invite all people to fight for real equality in our society. For this reason, the Coslada City Council encourages citizens to actively participate in the activities scheduled throughout the month by the Equality Area in collaboration with other municipal departments, the Women’s Council and local entities.

Among the programmed activities, the Demanding Concentration of March 8 at 11.00 hourswhich includes the reading of the Manifesto 8M next to the Venus Symbol (Luisa Carnés Library), and the XXXII March for Equalityon Sunday March 10th departing from the Plaza del Centro Cultural Antonio López at 12.00 hours.

The Councilor for Equality, Paz Garretasduring the presentation he stated that With this year’s motto we renew the commitment of this City Council to achieve real equality between women and men in Coslada. Achieving real equality is the responsibility of each citizen. For this reason, from the Department of Equality, we express our firmest commitment to creating a more just and equal society and municipality. “No one can be left behind, especially women who are victims of violence or who suffer some type of discrimination.”

Statements from Councilor Paz Garretas Statements from Councilor Paz Garretas

The program of this 8M in Coslada also includes, among other activities, a series of exhibitions, workshops and colloquium talks related to Equality, such as the colloquium talk ‘Put yourself in her shoes’ with Mabel Lozanowinner of the Goya 2024 for best documentary short film and which will take place on March 14 at the Margarita Nelken Cultural Center.

Likewise, the ‘Skin to Skin 2024’ Festival on March 16 at Theater The Jaramillaand will be represented ‘Salome’starring Belén Rueda, on March 9 at the Municipal theater. There will also be monologue ‘I’m fine’ by comedian Esther Gimeno on March 7 in the Cafe Theater of the CC Margaret Nelken and the Graffiti contest ‘8M Women’s Day’.

The complete 8M program in Coslada can be downloaded at this link:

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