Cosmic preludes Roberta Ciaurro’s solo show at the Momart Gallery in the Sassi of Matera –

by time news
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Until 23 April, opening 24 March at 7 pm the exhibition of «minimal art» in the spaces of the Momart Gallery in via Madonna dell’Idris, in the Sassi districts of Matera

The essentiality and lightness of sinuous, free, plastic shapes. And the almost urgent need to explore the fields of immanence. It is on this dichotomy between the real and the metaphysical that «Cosmic prelude» moves the personal exhibition of Roberta Ciaurro, an artist from Taranto, set up in the spaces of the Momart Gallery in via Madonna dell’Idris, in the Sassi districts of Matera from 24 March to 23 April.

His is a minimal art from which the constant search for shapes and lines emerges to which he gives movement, generating a continuous flow of references and thoughts that he pours into works, capable of narrating «glimpses of life» and existential landscapes through plays of light and bands of colour. Essential but innovative creations, with a minimal taste that is found in the elementary structures and in the two-dimensional surfaces, never impersonal, cold, anti-expressive. Indeed, in every fold, in every line, in every sinuous movement of the material, in every chromatic contrast and in every tonal choice, he pours not only his inner universe, but also a knowledge that is the fruit of an artistic path perfected at the Academy of Fine Arti di Bari, which over time, says the artist «led me to try my hand at experimental techniques ranging from painting to photography, to arrive at contact with the material, which began with the paper collage to then get to the fabrics, first only cotton and cotton wool then satin and plastic fabrics which, modeling them, allow me to tell what surrounds me and the sensations that human behavior and the motions of nature transmit to me».

Minimal structures where «aesthetics, elegance, the psychology of form and the arrangement of color become the cornerstones of his works, real installations – explains art critic Valerio Vitale – From the use of fabrics, he then moves on to experimenting with different materials, such as gold and silver colored vinyl, creating hybrid works, almost sculptures». In her works, next to colors in soft tones, such as in «Marea», in «The elegance of alexithymia» in «Malìa» or in «The Juliet poison», we find black and white, a chromatic contrast which, on the one hand it intends to convey a sense of candor and light, on the other it pushes the observer towards a more intimate reflection, spurring him to grasp, among the folds of the fabrics, the essentiality invisible at first glance. This happens in «Black widow binary» or in «Euphoria» where the dark canvas is marked by a strip of white, or finally in «Pamperism in evening» where the vertical black lines seem to want to re-appropriate the space, a movement that from below pushes towards the horizon. His works intend to immerse themselves and describe the motions of the universe, what happens to the earth, to space, to the entire galaxy while «we» we are those who ordinarily inhabit it. All of this is evident in the latest series of Costellazioni, Via Lattea, asteroids, ancestral and unattainable landscapes carved on sheets of metallic fabric where it is possible to mirror oneself to distort one’s presence.

The exhibition which will be inaugurated on Friday at 19 with the participation of the city councilor for culture Tiziana D’Oppido «is the first of a program that will take place throughout 2023- says Monica Palumbo artistic director of the Momart Gallery- I wanted to start by opening the doors of the gallery to a young Apulian artist, in these spaces which will be among the sites that can be visited during the spring Fai Days, on 25 and 26 March». Opening hours: from Friday to Sunday 10-13 / 16-19. On 25 and 26 Giornate Fai: 10-13 /16-19. Also open during the week of Easter, Monday included with the same hours.

March 23, 2023 (change March 23, 2023 | 02:35)

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