Cossack Squats: The Best Exercise for Perfectly Shaped Thighs and Glutes

by time news

2023-06-19 16:00:28

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Perfectly shaped thighs thanks to Cossack Squats – Here’s how!

Anyone who trains specifically for tight thighs and a plump buttocks cannot avoid squats. There are dozens of variations on the classic squat, but one exercise steals the show: Cossack Squats!

Cossack squats are one-legged focus exercises in which you squat first with your left leg and then with your right leg while standing with your legs apart. One leg always works as a support. This is how the execution works correctly:

Start standing with your legs a little more than shoulder width apart and your feet pointing slightly outwards. Extend your arms straight in front of your chest or cross them in front of your chest to build core tension. Now shift your weight to your left leg. Bend your knee just over your foot and squat deep. Meanwhile, your other leg remains straight, foot in contact with the floor. Keep your chest up during the side squat. Once you’ve pushed yourself back up to the starting position, squat sideways with the other leg.

Learn more: Pistol squats are also perfect for tight legs > >

These muscles are activated

In the Cossack squat, the entire lower body comes under fire. Especially the large thigh muscles – the Quadrizeps – have to apply a lot of strength in the lateral, one-legged squat. The quadriceps get a lot of help from the Gluteus musclethe adductors and the hip flexors.

The torso and deep abdominal muscles are also trained. Because basic tension and stability in the middle of the body are important prerequisites for being able to carry out the exercise correctly.

That is why the exercise is so effective

With Cossack Squats, the weight is heavy Most of your own body weight on one leg. Using sheer muscle power, the front thighs have to work really hard during the exercise to bring the body back up to standing.

By focusing on one leg, the muscles are controlled in a more targeted and intensive manner. The advantage: In execution – first one leg, then the other – both thighs get exactly the same impulse. This avoids imbalances in muscle development.

With barbell squats or conventional squats, we can unintentionally increase the training intensity for one leg by unconsciously shifting our weight to our preferred leg. The other leg then has to work less – the muscles grow at different rates. Such Muscular imbalances are excluded with the one-legged Cossack Squats!

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