Cotonou hosts the Securities Market Meetings in January

by time news

2024-01-08 00:56:15

The UMOA-Titres (UT) agency is organizing the Public Securities Market Meetings (REMTP) on Tuesday January 23 and Wednesday January 24, 2024 at Novotel in Cotonou, Benin, focusing on the issues and challenges of the regional sovereign debt market. . These meetings will mobilize different actors and partners from the regional financial ecosystem (issuers, investors, professionals, academics, etc.) who are involved directly or indirectly.

Abdul Wahab ADO

“Development of the bond market in the UMOA zone: what areas for reform? “. It is under this theme that the 2024 edition of the Public Securities Market Meetings will be organized in Cotonou. This will involve presenting the issuance program for public securities issued by auction for the year 2024 to players in the regional debt financial market but also discussing the strategic orientations for the development of the MTP. Indeed, it is within the framework of its activities to promote the Regional Public Securities Market (MTP), that UMOA-Titres (UT) initiated a regional event of a professional nature called the Public Securities Market Meetings (REMTP) , focused on the issues and challenges of the regional sovereign debt market.

This meeting will bring together at least 150 key players in the financial market, including 1/3 institutional investors, to increase the base of MTP investors outside the banking sector by 25%; obtain a quality audience guaranteeing the right level of discussions and meeting the expectations of all participants; obtain a targeted satisfaction rate and participation rate of 80%; Create a high level of enthusiasm among the media for optimal relay of the event to public opinion; Increase the visit and conversion rate of the event website and Strengthen the positioning of UT and make it better known. Moreover ; the Public Securities Market Meetings are organized once a year, and constitute one of the key means identified to strengthen the positioning of the Public Securities Market as a real investment option for market players in general and institutional investors in particular. Note that the first two editions of the REMTP were held face-to-face in Abidjan in 2019 and in Dakar in 2020, the 3rd and 4th editions organized in virtual format and the 5th edition in hybrid format (face-to-face and virtual).

Important communications for participants

Depending on the program, specific themes linked to the development of the MTP will be addressed through various panels relating in particular to the diversification of products and instruments through indexed products, sustainable, social and Islamic bonds, solutions for the revitalization of the secondary market and the taxation on securities. In addition to the panels, a master class will be held on floating rate products. This meeting is a professional event focused on the sovereign debt market in the UEMOA zone, which will bring together around 150 participants including National Treasurys. It will strengthen the promotion and leadership of the Public Securities Market and will encourage dialogue and exchanges on the issues and challenges of players in the sovereign debt market. Investors and market intermediaries; Union Insurance Companies; Union SGO; Union pension funds; Union Pension Fund; Union Deposit and Consignment Funds; Foreign investors; Banks and SGI of the Union; National Treasures; the Economic Press; Issuers (Treasury agents and debt managers); UT Partners are expected at the Public Securities Market Meetings. During the two days, communications will focus on presentations from UEMOA states, panels, training workshops and networking. This will be one (1) opening session; One (1) closing session; one (1) guest speaking session; four (4) summary presentations of the eight (8) issuers followed by discussions; three (3) panels preceded by introductory presentations; one (1) presentation of the strategic market plan; One (1) presentation of the CISI certification program; Two (2) master classes; one (1) networking platform: networking tab on the event website, space for B to B, coffee break, lunch break and a cocktail dinner. It should be noted that the diversification of products and investors through innovative instruments such as indexed products; sustainable, social and Islamic bonds; taxation on securities; concrete solutions for the development of the secondary market at the level of the Public Securities Market are themes that will be addressed. According to the program, communications will be presented to participants and will focus on themes such as: the Sovereign Debt Market; the Assessment of the activity of the Public Securities Market for the year 2023. Panels will be organized on the following themes: the Development of the Public Securities Market; Indexed Products, Sustainable, Social and Islamic Bonds: What opportunities for the Regional Financial Market? The Development of the Public Securities Market and the Presentation of the CISI certification program; the Development of the Public Securities Market and Macro Presentation; Sovereign Debt: Guinea Bissau – Togo, What levers to achieve budgetary consolidation in the UEMOA zone? Sovereign Debt: Benin – Senegal, Thematic Bonds: What potential for States in the UEMOA zone? The Development of the Public Securities Market and the Diversification of products and instruments: floating rate products (economic benefits and accounting).

QA January 7, 2024

#Cotonou #hosts #Securities #Market #Meetings #January

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