Coulommiers: the Cheese Fair regains its attendance and its pre-Covid atmosphere

by time news

Very good attendance this Saturday evening, during the second day of the 54th edition of the Coulommiers Cheese and Wine Fair. A gastronomic event that goes far beyond the borders of Seine-et-Marne. And we sometimes come from afar to see the farm animals but above all to fill our shopping bags with food and other beverages produced locally.

Sophie, 47, comes from Charenton-le-Pont (Val-de-Marne), 56 km from the Fair. The 40-year-old appreciates it. “It’s less aggressive here than at the Paris Fair where the sellers are relentless. Here, it’s friendly, family and simple. If she found herself in Briard lands, it is not entirely by chance. She was strongly urged to come. “We told our friends to come here because there were lots of good things to discover”, explains Fanny, 42 years old from Mouroux who reveals behind the scenes of this visit. She is a regular at the event. “The atmosphere is good but there are stands that I can’t find like those selling Corsican products,” she laments.

This is the result of the cleaning done this year by the organizing committee. Resellers of products who manufacture nothing themselves and in addition sell at “prohibitive” prices, that’s out.

Twenty drunken men, the rugby club bar closed

Ditto for those who force a little too much on the dive bottle. The sale of strong alcohol by the glass is now prohibited. The message is starting to get through but there are relapses. On Saturday evening, around twenty men got drunk at the bar of the rugby club, outside the marquee. The same bar where a brawl had broken out last year, on Saturday evening, about fifty men fought. The case ended up in court.

“They started drinking around 4:30 p.m.,” explains Sarah Esmieu, president of the Fair’s organizing committee. They were evacuated once. Came back. They were again asked to leave around 7:30 p.m. And the sports club bar has been closed. “It went very well. You have to do things gently while being firm”, deciphers the chief organizer who notes a general tendency for some people to drink alcohol which is not specific to Coulommiers. “The observation is the same at the Salon de l’Agriculture in Paris. Behaviors have changed. I couldn’t explain it to you. But we adapt. The security system has been reinforced in Coulommiers this year.

The measures seem to be paying off. “People are calmer, less alcoholic,” observes Garance, 42, from Boissy-le-Châtel. La Briarde knows the fair well because “it’s been thirty years” that she has been walking its aisles. The novices appreciate the order, like Denis, 78, from Maisons-Alfort (Val-de-Marne), who comes for the first time. “It’s surprising because it’s well organised! »

“It’s not cheap… but it’s quality! »

The Cheese and Wine Fair returned last year, after two years of absence due to Covid. But the atmosphere was still post-pandemic, according to Stéphane Heulier, a historic exhibitor who sells Bordeaux, Côtes-de-Bourg and Côtes-de-Blaye. “I was expecting gloom and in reality, I don’t feel it. Ditto for inflation. “It’s the crisis but I didn’t feel any negative effect. »

Same observation at Isabelle Hédin, from the Ganot cheese dairy which celebrated its 120th anniversary in 2015. “Last year there was still a heavy atmosphere due to the Covid. But there we feel that people need to come, with family or friends. We feel that it is lighter. There are even people I hadn’t seen last year and whom I met again. »

Result: many people in the aisles and, at certain times, it is even difficult to progress. “I’m delighted,” smiles Sarah Esmieu. Counting visitors is difficult and even impossible. In good years, the Fair claimed 75,000 visitors over the four days. It would not be surprising if the number is exceeded this year. “It’s a good vintage! sums up the President of the Fair.

If there is one point to improve, it is the price. “I saw overpriced items like parmesan at 129 euros per kilo! “, crimson Christelle, 50 years old from Chennevières-sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne). Gérald, 65, from Saint-Denis-lès-Rebais makes the same observation: “It’s not cheap… but it’s quality! » The organizing committee also ensured this year the prices practiced while monitoring the quality. On the exhibitor side, here too, we ask for a little moderation. “It’s not specific to Coulommiers, the organizers of all fairs must pay attention to the price of the stands”, testifies Stéphane Heulier, the winegrower.

The Cheese and Wine Fair, 77, rue du Général-Leclerc in Coulommiers. Educational farm and cattle competition. Possibility to eat on site. A carnival is next to the marquee. Free admission. Opening hours: until 8 p.m. this Sunday and from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. this Monday.

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