Council of Ministers, verdict for Besson and Depp … In the headlines this week

by time news

Policy. The new ministers of the government of Elisabeth Borne will meet for the first time at the Élysée around Emmanuel Macron, for an inaugural Council of Ministers of the second five-year term. They have to deal with various fronts, from inflation to the war in Ukraine.

Social. Due to a strike, traffic will be severely disrupted this Monday on the RATP bus and tram networks in Île-de-France. The metros and RER are not affected. The traffic of certain bus lines will be interrupted and the open lines will have “on average two out of three buses” in circulation “with variations according to the sectors”, specified the RATP on Sunday in a press release. Of the eight tram lines that the company operates in the Paris region, five will be affected by this social movement: T1, T2, T3a and T3b.

READ ALSORATP strike: “strongly disrupted” traffic for buses on Monday

#MeToo. The Paris Court of Appeal is due to rule on Tuesday on the dismissal for “rape” ordered in December by an investigating judge in favor of director Luc Besson, an emblematic case of the #MeToo era. On April 19, the investigating chamber examined the appeal of the Dutch-Belgian actress Sand Van Roy against the abandonment of the proceedings from which the influential French filmmaker and producer benefited on December 9. The public prosecutor requested confirmation of the dismissal. On May 18, 2018, the actress filed a complaint for rape, a few hours after an appointment in a Parisian palace. Two months later, the actress filed a complaint for other rapes and sexual assaults committed between 2016 and 2018 in Paris and London.

War in Ukraine. President Putin is to meet on Monday with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko. In addition, in Ukraine, the verdict of the trial of the Russian soldier accused of war crime is awaited. Vadim Shishimarin is accused of shooting a Kalashnikov through the window of a car he was traveling in to shoot an unarmed 62-year-old civilian, prosecutor Iryna Venediktova’s office said in a statement. . The accused soldier was traveling with four other Russian servicemen after their convoy was attacked on February 28 and they stole a car near the village of Chupakhivka, the statement continued. Finally, on Thursday, Belarusian opponents Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, Maria Kolesnikova and Veronika Tsepkalo will be awarded the 2022 Charlemagne Prize in Aachen, Germany.

READ ALSOLuc Besson case: the investigating judge dismisses the case

Depp trial. As part of the trial between Johnny Depp and his former wife Amber Heard, the proceedings will resume on Monday and will continue until Friday, May 27, after which the seven jurors will retire to deliberate. Amber Heard filed for divorce in May 2016, just a year after their marriage, accusing her husband of domestic violence. She had dropped her complaint before the divorce was pronounced in early 2017. He is now suing her for defamation.

Movie theater. The closing ceremony of the 75th Cannes Film Festival will take place this Saturday. Who to take over from Titanium? The jury chaired by Vincent Lindon has the heavy task of electing the next Palme d’or from among the 21 films in competition, including those by David Cronenberg, Kirill Serebrennikov or Claire Denis.

Sport. A relatively newcomer to international rugby, La Rochelle is playing its second consecutive European Rugby Cup final in Marseille, with the ambition of putting its name on the list of winners in a competition won four times by its Irish opponents Leinster.

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