Councilor can go to court for saying that God made male and female

by time news

Expressing an opinion in today’s world can be grounds for going to court and facing unfounded accusations. This is what Belo Horizonte councilor Flávia Borja is facing now, after defending in the City Council that God made only men and women, and nothing else.

Flávia’s statements, who is also a pastor at Lagoinha Baptist Church, were given during an Ordinary Meeting on the last 4th of that month. On the occasion, she criticized a Bill, No. 162 of 2021, which provides for a fine for commercial establishments that discriminate against LGBT+ people.

According to the Christian councilor, this “yet another project that tries to shove gender ideology down our throats here in the capital of Minas Gerais”. The pastor referred to the fact that if approved, the PL could oblige commercial establishments to accept “trans women”, for example, in women’s bathrooms.

“This is a project that goes against the real defense of women in the city of Belo Horizonte and against freedom of belief, freedom of religion and what we understand: that God made man and woman and what goes beyond that is not welcome. in our society”, declared the councilor.


Because of her legitimately democratic position and the result of her own freedom of thought and expression, the Christian councilor came to be accused of “transphobia”.

The accusation came from also leftist councilor Iza Lourença, from the Socialism and Freedom Party (PSOL), according to information from Correio Braziliense.

“What takes away women’s space in politics is not transvestite women, it’s the plates that make orange candidacies and men who are elected based on these orange candidacies, which is a crime”, criticized Lourença, making indirect reference to the pastor’s party, the PP.

Lourença continued: “And, by the way, I would like to say to the councilor that transphobia is also a crime”. Councilor Flávia, in turn, proved to be firm in her position.

“As long as I am councilor in Belo Horizonte, I will continue to fight firmly and hard so that this does not leave the bizarre imagination of the left”, she said on her Instagram profile, celebrating the fact that the PL was not approved in the municipality. Check out:

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