Counselor Howaida Hassan: (8) golden tips to promote mental health

by time news
Under the slogan “Make mental health and well-being for all a global priority,” the world will celebrate World Mental Health Day tomorrow, with the aim of spreading public awareness of mental health issues, and paying attention to psychological issues and problems that individuals can suffer and affect their quality of life and enjoyment of their lives.

Psychological consultant Dr. Howaida Hajj Hassan says that mental health is a state of psychological comfort that enables a person to face the pressures of life, achieve his goals and serve the community in the best possible way. An essential human right, indicating that there are a group of causes that lead to mental health disorder and whose presence causes the emergence of mental illnesses that impede the lives of individuals and therefore societies, including individual psychological and biological factors, such as emotional disorders, addiction and genetic factors that can make the individual more vulnerable Mental health problems, and exposure to abnormal social, economic, political and environmental conditions increases the risk of individuals suffering from psychological problems, as well as psychological pressures in the sensitive stages of development in the lives of individuals, especially in early childhood, which mainly cause mental health disorders, as well as the economic situation and the outbreak of diseases, epidemics and emergencies Humanity, forced displacement and the climate crisis that is increasing and affecting individuals are all factors affecting It directly affects the mental health of the individual.

Dr. Howaida added that the concerns of life, the daily pressures, the tension and the anxiety that we may face on a daily basis will affect our mental health and psychological balance, so each individual must maintain a balance by dealing with stresses, problems and anxiety well. In order not to turn into serious mental illnesses that require pharmacological intervention.

Dr. Howaida advised all members of society to follow 8 tips that will achieve psychological comfort, which are:

⁃ If an individual is satisfied with the blessings of God Almighty, he must stop comparing what he owns with what others have, and stop complaining and complaining about lack of luck, so he must realize that he is better than others.

⁃ Avoid negative people, they unfortunately increase pain and sorrows, and the effect of this is reflected in headaches, stress, and anxiety.

⁃ Strengthening strong family and social relationships, as this enhances the mental health of the individual more.

⁃ Positive dealing with anxiety and stress through training in coping skills such as exercising, or walking for half an hour a day.

⁃ Enjoying the weekend by organizing a family trip with the children to the sea or the right place to break the routine and monotony.

She also emphasized the advice:

⁃ Promote work-life balance, as this helps to manage time positively with work and family.

⁃ Paying attention to the practice of beloved hobbies, and staying away from following the bad news so that the outlook on life is bright.

⁃ Ensure healthy sleep, as this gives the individual activity and vitality and enhances his psychological health.

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