Counselor Julián Mazzoni proposed ending foreign financing for education, 30 years after the first loan

by time news

They represent 1% of the educational budget but are capable of determining 100% of the transformations in the sector, revealed the counselor for the teaching order in the Anep Central Board of Directors, Julián Mazzoni. After three decades of international lending, he concluded that using the concept of “human capital” to drive educational change had proved a resounding failure.

In dialogue with Nada que Perder, the M24 newspaper that is broadcast from Monday to Friday starting at 8:00 a.m., Mazzoni was critical of the results of 30 years of policies applied to education based on international loans that the various governments took.

According to their conclusions, measures were adopted based on loans to direct policies towards the concept of “human capital”, which calls for educational investment based on its results. This represents a resounding failure in view of the results.

He stressed that these international loans represent 1% of the budget but determine 100% of the transformations in the sector. It means a loss of autonomy and national sovereignty, he concluded.

Within the framework of an educational transformation that is promoted behind the backs of teachers and students, as Mazzoni remarked in the interview, the counselor and teacher recalled the Education Congress, an instance that he described as little used despite the wide convocation and the conclusions to which it arrived In addition, he recalled the broad participation of students in the stages of the Congress.

In a few days the results of the election of teaching hours will be observed

For the authorities, the choice of hours passed normally. The councilors who represent the teachers in the Codicen agree that this will be revealed in the coming weeks because there are conflicting versions with the National Federation of Secondary Education Teachers (Fenapes), the teachers’ union.

Mazzoni identified the problem in the commitment of the Codicen with the Coordinator of Education Unions (Cseu) for which it was anticipated that the choice of hours would follow a certain order: first the hours to take in teacher training, then in secondary and finally in UTU. It didn’t happen.

In the case of teacher training, Mazzoni reported, half of the hours were not designated. If this is not respected, then teachers participate in the choice of hours both in teacher training and in secondary school, they choose and if they later continue with the hours they took in teacher training institutes, they leave the hours free in high schools and technical schools . This means that the year will start with difficulties, he said.

Another matter described as serious by Mazzoni is that it is not known how many groups will be created in secondary schools and UTU. More hours will open but students will have to wait for their courses, she said.

An ambitious reform cannot be done with less budget

When the government period began, education had a budget of 80,000 million pesos. If one applies the inflation index so that these resources have the same purchasing power today, it would be logical for the educational budget to reach 94,000 million pesos. But currently there are 6,000 million less.

“Not only do you carry out an ambitious educational reform, but you also lose a budget; It is very difficult for effective measures to be taken under these conditions”, reflected the counselor. He even recalled Eduy21’s criticism for this reason. “Everything has behind a conception of how the economy is managed,” he reflected.

He said that the requirement for students to pass the grade was lowered by two points, but without planning. If the rod was high, they lowered it. This is a shame because they change it to the teacher a few days before the end of courses, she recalled.

He insisted that this discussion can be accepted, but in another context. Now competencies will also be evaluated, in the sense that maybe a student doesn’t know how to find the roots of second grade but since he communicates very well then I have to give him a few more points, he finished.

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