Countdown Begins: Registration Timeline for First-Year Students on Announced

by time news

Freshman registrations: The timeline of the platform

We are in the first days of September, and the countdown has begun for the start of the registrations of freshmen students at their Schools for the new academic period 2024-2025.

Students are eagerly awaiting the opening of the registration platform, as this year the process has admittedly been delayed, given that last year registrations took place from 31/8 to 8/9.

According to a report by Dnews, an official announcement of the registration timeline is expected within a week from the Ministry of Education so that students can proceed with the relevant procedures and obtain their student pass. As has been the case in recent years, the process will be done electronically this year as well.

It should be noted, however, that in some cases, additional information and/or documents may be requested within special deadlines for identity verification and the completion of the electronic registration.

At the registrations of freshmen students at universities

A. Successful candidates of the 2024 Panhellenic exams enter their 8-digit candidate examination code as the username and as the security code (password), the same one they used to access the electronic application of the Computerized Report.

B. Successful candidates from the special category of those suffering from serious illnesses enter the electronic registration application in the same way they used to access the electronic application for the Application-Computerized Report of Serious Illnesses, using the email address listed on their Computerized Report as the username and the security code that they have already defined for accessing the Serious Illnesses Computerized Report.

In the case where the successful candidates had registered in a previous year in a first cycle study program of a Department or Faculty of a Greek University (Α.Ε.Ι.) or Higher Educational Institution (Α.Ε.Α.), they are required, through the same Information System, to declare the School or Department in which they are already enrolled, simultaneously requesting their deletion from it, in order to complete the registration in their new School or Department of admission. Successful candidates who had previously registered in a first cycle study program of a Department or Faculty of a Greek University (Α.Ε.Ι.) or Higher Educational Institution (Α.Ε.Α.), but have already proceeded with their deletion, addressing directly to the Secretariat of the old Department/School in the previous period (before the start of the electronic process), are also obliged to declare in the same place of the electronic application the Department or School of the previous registration.

The registration application of the successful candidates via the Information System of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports has the character of a Responsible Declaration. After entering the application, the successful candidates will be required to fill in their Personal Social Security Number (ΑΜΚΑ), which will be confirmed via interoperability with the National AMKA Registry. Among the other information that the user is required to fill in their electronic registration application is their ID number or Passport number, which usually appears pre-filled with the corresponding value that the user has filled in their Computerized Report, but maintaining the option of modification.

During the process of Electronic Registration, successful candidates must provide their contact details, mobile phone number, and email address, which are confirmed through relevant mechanisms of the electronic application. It is emphasized that the accuracy of the contact details is particularly important, as the Secretariats of the Schools/Departments will have the ability to use them in further processes.

It is noted that there is the possibility of canceling a registration application that has been submitted and has received a protocol number. Thus, in the case that someone finds incorrect information in their application after its final submission, they have the option through the Information System to proceed with the cancellation of the erroneous application and the submission of a new one. For the cancellation process, the user needs to fill in their 8-digit candidate code and the protocol number of the application to be canceled.

After the expiration of the deadline, the Secretariat of the Department or School checks and cross-references the list of those admitted who submitted an electronic registration application, as it will be sent electronically from the Ministry of Education with the corresponding list of successful candidates for the categories of General and Vocational High Schools for this year, which has already been sent by the Ministry of Education.

For Military Schools, Police Schools, Schools of the Fire Academy, Merchant Marine Academies, Schools of the Coast Guard-Hellenic Coast Guard, and Higher Schools of Tourism Education, the deadline and the registration process for successful candidates are determined and carried out by the competent Ministries.


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