Countries with the highest use of apps to monitor sleep

by time news
  • Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is the most common disorder in Mexico that does not allow people to rest.
  • During the pandemic, there was an increase in the stress levels of the global population, which impacted the quality of sleep.
  • India and China top the list for the most people using sleep tracking apps.

Being able to sleep after a day’s work is the main desire of a person. But although it is something fair, in reality, not everyone gets it. The current lifestyle is one of the reasons and the health consequences are quite dangerous. Fortunately, there are now different alternatives such as apps to monitor sleepbut do you know in which countries they are most common?

To begin with, these types of inconveniences have increased so much that they are already a global public health problem. The Covid-19 pandemic was the trigger that complicated the outlook across the planet.

One of the consequences of the health emergency was an increase in the levels of stress and concern of the global population. Therefore, in parallel, people developed complications to be able to rest and sleep. In the end, a vicious circle is generated where everyone has been affected.

The most common sleep disorders in Mexico

The main disorders in the Mexican population are, first of all, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (intermittent airflow occlusion during sleep with nocturnal respiratory pauses). It is characterized by hypersomnolence during the day (a sleep disorder that is determined by excessive daytime sleepiness) and the emission of snoring.

The first is caused by some abnormality in the airway, that is, that anatomically we have a wide nose and tongue or a deviation of the nasal septum, a drooping or elongated palate, and a low uvula or uvula. When these are anatomically larger, they cause obstruction of the air passage.

Due to the position in which we sleep (mainly on our backs), these muscles go backwards and obstruct the passage of air, which generates respiratory pauses lasting 10 seconds and up to three to five minutes, accompanied by vibrations in a specific muscle of our collapsed airway, known as snoring.

Second is snoring caused by a variety of factors, such as the anatomy of the mouth and sinuses, being overweight, drinking alcohol near bedtime, nasal congestion, or sleeping on your back.

Countries with the highest use of apps to monitor sleep

On the other hand, through technology there are now alternatives such as Sleep monitoring apps. The first thing that should be clarified is that they do not replace the work of doctors, but that they are supplements.

Currently, there are many who use their mobile phones to measure their heart rate, keep track of the menstrual cycle, control their glucose levels or analyze the quality of sleep.

Regarding this last aspect, there is a wide variety of applications to help to know the nocturnal health, to be able to change habits that make rest worse and help to fall asleep.

According to data from Statista Consumer Insights, in India and China these types of apps have a not inconsiderable percentage of users, since almost a quarter of those interviewed in both countries claimed to have used sleep monitoring apps in the 12 months prior to the survey.

In the United States, 15% of respondents said they use Sleep Cycle, Sleep Time, Sleep as Android y similares to know how long it takes them to sleep, how many hours they sleep or their proportion of deep and light sleep. While in Spain and Mexico 11% did so.

Also read:

INTERVIEW: “Sleep disorders are already a public health problem in Mexico”

5 apps designed to get a restful sleep after a shift

These are the most frequent sleep disorders in Mexico

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