by time news

2023-12-07 15:43:55

Even after many years without entering the century-old house that belonged to my great-grandmother and then my parents, I could describe it with a certain amount of detail, after all, the unique moments I spent there, the memory never had the audacity to want to take away from me. Going further, I can say that almost everything in that corner of mine remains the same as it always was, after all, we from the countryside (and I need to include myself in this) are not very adept at changing.

I have so many great memories of that old house, partly made of wood and partly made of clay, especially those of my parents. My mother had a kitchen that was amazing, I close my eyes and see her under the wood stove and her art of cooking was incomparable; At breakfast, making fried eggs to please my hungry grandchildren, I sat on the side of the table with the bench, and I never had the courage to sit on the chair that belonged to my father. The old gas refrigerator next to the window that overlooked the winter at the back or the battery-powered television that I already saw when I visited mine.

When I look back on my life, I close my eyes and see myself outside, where happiness was a constant part of each new day that dawned after the cattle bellowing outside my bedroom window. I know everything is as it should be and always has been. That’s why I recognize that what happens in my imagination is not an illusion, but a reflection of reality.

Because looking at Internacional, yesterday, playing their last match of this almost final year of 2023, I think that everything is as it should be. I’m talking, obviously, about the presence of Eduardo Coudet in technical command of the team. He is clearly not infallible, he has his stubbornness as any good coach does, but I see what Chacho proposes as the closest to the historic football that led Internacional to its most relevant achievements.

I don’t want to teach a priest how to say mass here. However, if I go back in time beyond the memories of my land and my people, I remember that that team from the 1970s, in addition to displaying technique on the field, had something primordial in mind: always winning. The first goal was just the opponent’s calling card, many more would almost always follow. It’s no different from the 2006 team, except the World Cup for obvious reasons, or even 2010. Our champion teams, beyond the technique, always had courage.

A winning team needs, in addition to technique and the will to win, courage!

And Chacho Coudet never lacked courage, even in the most difficult moments since his return. Playing the national championship with an alternative team because, yes, it was possible to win the cup, it was an act of courage. Bearing the criticism from our ill-fated press, the clickbait scoundrels and the unfortunate fans who believe in these types of people, was an act of courage. I would say more: accepting to take command of the team and having to undo that tactical mess was the greatest act of courage in Coudet’s career and, for that reason alone, we already know that he is much more Colorado than some who say that out there.

Just like my mother’s kitchen where I know for sure that everything is in the same place it always was, so is Eduardo Coudet. And that is how it must remain.

May we not lack the serenity and…courage to recognize that 2024 needs to start without changes. The future, in fact, already began months ago.


– Repiso-me: Male Coudet It may have some flaws and yes, it obviously does. But his greatest quality outweighs any negative streak: he always wants to win;

– Which doesn’t mean that we don’t need to reinforce (a lot) the team. And qualify (a lot) the squad;

– If I had the checkbook, ten players would come: goalkeeper, starting defender, starting LE, starting center midfielder, midfielder to replace the starting Maurício, midfielder to reserve AlanPa, two center forwards and a striker;

– Yes, the count was nine and not ten. I leave the tenth player to the choice of the Noble Friends of BV;

– After that criminal offside in the first goal of our 10, I say without fear: VAR has to end (!);

– Gabriel Barros clearly still feels the weight of our shirt. But he gave me a glimmer of hope after that beautiful assistance;

– There is an election on Saturday. I liked what I read in the last text here by my good Bruno, a kid who I know will contribute a lot to our Inter. From what I’ve seen, your Board 9 is making noise, just like I did when I tried to preside over the Department’s employees’ association. If it makes noise, it’s because it’s on the right path. You have my support, therefore;

– There is no magic or miracle in football. I have already said here that when it comes to football, and we are a football club, both candidates for the Presidency of Internacional are unqualified. So, for us fans, any decision is very difficult. However, it is still possible to clearly see, in my opinion, that there is one that is a little less worse than the other. It’s the least crooked path!


Does anyone have the courage to not want Coudet as a coach?

Courage to the members who will vote on Saturday. Courage!



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