CoV measures: According to Mückstein, mandatory vaccination is “fixed”

by time news

Austria already has strict measures, Mückstein defended in the ZIB2, which in view of the sharp rise in the number of infections caused by the Omikron variant does not seem particularly strict. The range of how countries in Europe deal with the threat posed by Omikron is very large. Mückstein referred to measures already in place in Austria such as an earlier curfew and the lockdown for unvaccinated people. Now the mask requirement and controls have been sharpened.

Omikron went hand in hand with a paradigm shift, the minister added. There are many more infections, but the course is milder, he said when asked whether the government was not also risking an infection with the shortened quarantine or the elimination of the rating as a contact person for boosted people. He cannot rule out the possibility of a lockdown again, said Mückstein, but the measures are intended to prevent it as far as possible. Now it is important to ensure good medical care.

Minister Mückstein on the Omikron wave

Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) comments on the new CoV regulations and talks about the challenges that the new CoV variant Omikron brings with it.

Attention to normal stations

Before it gets full in the intensive care units, it becomes critical in the normal wards and with the resident doctors, so you have to be particularly careful there, Mückstein also pointed out that with Omikron significantly fewer people end up in intensive care units – but this is due to the significantly higher infection rate could be equalized. The goal is also to convince as many people as possible to vaccinate.

He is skeptical that people are paid for a vaccination, but otherwise he is for as many incentives as possible – the best way is to convince people of the importance of a vaccination. The compulsory vaccination will be “fixed” in February, Mückstein continues, a medium-term perspective is needed and the vaccination helps against severe courses.

Stricter mask requirements, relaxed quarantine rules

From January 11th, an FFP2 mask is required outdoors if the distance is less than two meters, and there are also mandatory 2-G controls in retail. The quarantine for contact persons will also be shortened from January 8th, it was decided on Thursday at the deliberations of the state-wide Covid Crisis Coordination (GECKO), the federal states and the government.

From Saturday there is no longer any distinction between K1 and K2 people. In the future, you will no longer be a contact person if you have been vaccinated three times or if everyone involved has worn an FFP2 mask. This also applies to children who have not yet received a third vaccination. The following applies to all who are classified as contact persons: Free testing is possible from the fifth day with a PCR test.

Critical Infrastructure Exceptions

According to the information, the relaxed quarantine rules are intended to prevent too many people who are necessary to maintain the critical infrastructure from being segregated. Hence the exceptions for contact persons in the critical infrastructure: You can continue to work with a daily test and an FFP2 mask. This group of people includes in particular health workers, personnel from emergency organizations, employees in the energy supply and personnel for maintaining the basic needs of public life.

In addition, it was agreed to reduce the validity of the “Green Passport” to six months, which will apply from February 1st – for all those who have previously been vaccinated twice. For people who have been vaccinated three times, the validity remains for nine months. The aim is to ensure that the third trick continues to be used, said Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) when presenting the rules.

Mask also necessary outdoors

From Tuesday there is a stricter mask requirement. An FFP2 mask is then also mandatory outdoors if a distance of two meters is not possible. Examples include pedestrian zones, queues or groups of people. In addition, the federal states can make a mask compulsory in heavily frequented places, as it was said. Home office should be carried out where possible.

Regarding the compulsory vaccination, Nehammer had previously insisted on the compulsory vaccination against the “Kronen Zeitung” (Thursday edition). Above all, the booster vaccination protects 90 percent from a hospital stay and 95 percent from the intensive care unit, argued Nehammer for the sense of the compulsory vaccination, which will soon be decided. They are currently working “at full speed” on the implementation. Mückstein also pointed out several times in the ZIB2 that vaccination helps against severe disease and that the upcoming vaccination requirement in combination with the 3-G rule at the workplace has already led to a significant increase in vaccinations.

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