Covid-19: back to school under which health protocol?

by time news

For the third school year under the threat of Covid, next September, the Ministry of National Education has decided to anticipate. The unions of teachers and National Education staff were invited, on Tuesday rue de Grenelle, to learn about the health protocol which will be applied, depending on the health situation, from September 1. Parents’ associations and associations of local elected officials must be received this Wednesday to discuss it. The protocols are expected to be made public early next week.

“This time, the government is anticipating. Since the beginning of the health crisis, we had not had this level of discussion with the health authorities and anticipation. These three levels of protocol seem to us more fluid and adaptable to the school environment ”, argues with the Parisian Guislaine David, general secretary of the Snuipp-FSU (first union in nursery and elementary schools). We are in a situation where we learn to live with the Covid in society in general, so we will have to do it also at school ”.

Three levels of vigilance instead of four

According to information from France Info, confirmed by Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France, three levels of measures are planned, instead of the four – green, yellow, orange and red – implemented in September 2021. The lowest threshold low, the level of moderate vigilance, will lead to recalling barrier gestures and limiting large groupings. If the health situation requires it, a level 2 will lead to reinforcing barrier gestures and adapting indoor sports practice. In the canteen, from level 2, you will take your meal by class, to limit mixing. In both cases, all lessons will be face-to-face, in primary school, middle school and high school.

And if level 3 were to be reached, it would lead to the hybridization of courses in high school, between physical presence and distance courses, and a restriction of PE activities to respect distances. The ministry is said to have committed to respecting a ten-day deadline to move from one level to another. Throughout the year 2021-2022, many heads of establishments had criticized a lack of anticipation in the instructions sent by the ministry.

The mask, worn full-time by students until February 28, will keep pace with the general population. Positive students will be required to self-isolate. Contact case comrades will no longer have to test themselves – it was declarative – or isolate themselves. There will also be no more saliva testing campaigns.

The level chosen for the start of the school year will be decided at the end of August.

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