Covid-19: “Reinforcing the wearing of masks is necessary”, pleads the president of Covars

by time news

Are we heading towards a return to the wearing of compulsory masks in transport? Faced with the upsurge in the number of Covid-19 cases, the question is back on the table. The Covars, the body which replaced the Scientific Council, pleads this Sunday for an immediate strengthening of the barrier measure.

While the “circulation of the virus is growing significantly”, “we must move towards wearing a mask as much as possible in closed places, where there is significant promiscuity”, insists immunologist Brigitte to the Sunday Journal. Autran at the head of the body. Already on Tuesday, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne had launched a “solemn appeal” to wear a mask in closed places, in particular public transport.

“We must go towards wearing a mask as much as possible”

Should we make it compulsory, as in the first months of the epidemic? The decision “is up to the government”, underlined Brigitte Autran, recalling that “the return of the compulsory mask is a political decision”. “It is not for us to decide (…). For the moment, the government appeals to the responsibility of the French. It is an extremely important bet. We are no longer in the health emergency law. But the reinforcement of the wearing of the mask is necessary, ”continued the immunologist.

Aware of the challenge in the face of the epidemic rebound, the government had seized the Covars inviting it to decide on the usefulness of making the mask compulsory again in certain closed places. “A complete opinion” on the epidemic situation should be given at the end of the week or at the beginning of the next, said Brigitte Autran.

France facing a 9th wave

In a first opinion issued in October, the Committee of Experts considered that “the communication on the wearing of face masks[evai]t be reinforced, inciting, simple, clear and repeated”. However, it did not recommend any obligation, except in health establishments. In the event that the council of scientists were to change its position by advocating the compulsory mask in other places, the government would always remain free to follow it.

Almost three years after the start of the pandemic, France is hit by a 9th wave of Covid-19, due in particular to the drop in temperatures and the gradual arrival of the new Omicron BQ.1.1 variant. No less than 48,629 new cases were recorded on Friday, compared to 33,177 new cases the previous Friday, an increase of 46%.

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