Covid-19: the Senate gives the green light to the health bill, with a possible recourse to the control of travelers

by time news

Dominated by the right, the Senate adopted in the night, in first reading, the health bill, after having restored a possibility of recourse to a health control of travelers, which had been removed by the National Assembly. The text, which ratifies the expiry on August 1 of the exceptional regimes put in place to fight against the Covid epidemic, was voted by 189 votes against 33.

In detail, the PS, ecologist, RDSE groups with a radical majority abstained. The Communist-majority CRCE group voted against. 14 LR senators (out of 145) also voted against, and 13 abstained. Next step: deputies and senators will try on Thursday to agree on a common version in a joint committee (CMP). If agreed, it will still have to be voted on one last time by both chambers. If unsuccessful, the shuttle will continue.

Turbulence in the Assembly

Before the senators, the Minister of Health François Braun declared himself “ready” to build a “compromise without compromise”. The Senate approved the tightened device proposed by the rapporteur LR Philippe Bas, amended in session.

It comes in two separate devices. The first concerns travelers from foreign countries. In the event of the appearance of a new, particularly dangerous Covid variant, the government could impose the presentation of a negative test on boarding. This for one month, a vote of Parliament being necessary beyond.

No proof of vaccination retained

A second similar device could apply for trips to overseas communities “in the event of a risk of saturation” of their health system. The possibility of a check for people from overseas communities has been introduced into the text.

On the other hand, the Senate rejected amendments to restore the possibility of producing, not only a negative test, but also proof of vaccination or recovery from Covid. The Minister of Health François Braun was in favor of it, believing that these elements “continue to make medical sense”. The rapporteur defended him a choice of efficiency.

Another subject that has been debated is the question of the reintegration of unvaccinated caregivers. According to the rapporteur’s proposal, the vaccination obligation for caregivers will be suspended as soon as the High Authority for Health deems that it is no longer justified, and non-vaccinated caregivers will then be “immediately reinstated”.

The Minister considered the device “balanced”. The senators have also provided for the repeal of the regimes allowing the establishment of restrictions on freedoms, such as confinement, curfew or health pass. Finally, the text makes it possible to extend the tools for monitoring the SI-DEP and Contact Covid epidemic.

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