Covid-19: “There has never been a therapeutic trial”, defends Didier Raoult

by time news

2023-05-30 11:20:08

“There has never been a therapeutic trial”. The controversial professor Didier Raoult defended himself on Tuesday, after the warning of several learned medical societies castigating the study by the former boss of the Marseille IHU on l’hydroxychloroquine. “All of this is only an observational study”, as other medical structures were able to carry out during the coronavirus pandemic. covid-19, he assured the microphone of BFMTV.

“The data is available and comprehensive. Everything is in there: all the patients who have been treated at the IHU for two years, all their treatments. (…) The data is certified and it will be used for history,” he continued. Systematic prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine have indeed been prescribed in number, he acknowledged. But these pre-filled prescriptions responded to an organizational imperative, he further defended himself.

“It was an absolutely considerable challenge”

“You have no idea what it is, to get 200,000 people to be tested and to treat 34,000. (…) Most of the things were prepared in such a way that one could manage 100 people in the hospital day by day. It was an absolutely huge challenge.”

Sunday, sixteen learned medical societies called on the authorities in forum published in Le Monde on a lack of sanctions in the face of the “largest therapeutic trial sauvage known”, denouncing the study of Didier Raoult, former head of the IHU of Marseille, on thehydroxychloroquine.

These companies criticize teams from the Institut hospitalier universitaire (IHU) Méditerranée Infection “the systematic prescription, to patients with Covid-19 (…) of drugs as varied as hydroxychloroquine, zinc, ivermectin or azithromycin (…) without solid pharmacological bases, and in the absence of any proof of efficacy”. This trial would have taken place between 2020 and 2021.

Potentially “serious” side effects

More serious, according to them, these prescriptions were continued “for more than a year after the formal demonstration of their ineffectiveness”. The authorities must take “measures adapted to the faults committed”, in the name of “patient safety” and “the credibility of French medical research”, they conclude. Professor Didier Raoult, who had acquired a media celebrity by taking positions, now discredited, on the Covid-19, published in March a “pre-print”, that is to say a version not reviewed by peers, of its study on more than 30,000 Covid patients.

In April, the Medicines Agency (ANSM) estimated that the use of this drug “exposes patients to potential adverse effects which can be serious”. The Marseille public prosecutor’s office had opened a judicial investigation in July 2022, after a scathing report from the ANSM, for “forgery in writing”, “use of forgery in writing” and “interventional research involving a human person not justified by his taking into usual charge.

#Covid19 #therapeutic #trial #defends #Didier #Raoult

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