COVID-19 vaccines and urinary tract urgency

by time news

This is one of the many side effects of the anti-Covid vaccination: more or less serious urination problems are too many. explanation.

Bladder and prostate (Flickr)

We have often mentioned here the serious consequences of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that gave rise to the Covid-19 pandemic. A recent article titled Vaccines Are Less Effective And More Harmful We’ve earned the wrath of the digital giants who control information on a planetary level. It unilaterally determines what is journalistic truth (La Pravda, in Russian) and what is fake news. Woe to those who dare to offer a different approach to scientific information: they are banned from society, treated as conspirators and conspirators… In short, the freedom of expression has been revised and corrected by the undoubtedly followers of Joseph Goebbels. As for the social networks linked to the mainstream media, they have come together to defend the truth that powerful lobbyists in the health sector have befuddled. False fact checking Aims to discredit co-instigators of sedition.
Even the best scientists in the country were It is forbidden to testify in public Before the Senate Parliamentary Committee, as we have written. And they warned of an explosion of dangerous side effects from Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.


Bladder and prostate

Jean-Marc Sabatier (DR)
Jean-Marc Sabatier (DR)

In fact, these adverse effects are clearly many and varied. They affect all organs: the heart (myocarditis, pericarditis), the liver (hepatitis), the skin (skin reactions), etc.
But there are more and more problems with the lower urinary tract in men. Any bladder and prostate problems.
According to Jean-Marc Sabatier*, speaking here in a personal capacity: “It is an infection of the bladder or prostate caused by the overactivation, by the spike protein vaccine, of the anti-inflammatory receptors. AT1R of the renin-angiotensin systemSR). The receptors ECA2 (a target of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2) and AT1R (responsible for harmful effects) – both belonging to the RAS – are found in the cells of these organs.
The bladder is one of the organs of the urinary system and its function is to collect urine produced by the kidneys before being excreted during urination. The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system. It surrounds the urethra and is the channel through which urine can flow. The main function of the prostate is to produce part of the sperm. The prostate controls urinary incontinence.
Disorders of the male and female reproductive organs described by Jean-Marc Sabatier in an article that we republish below.

* Jean-Marc Sabatier is research director of the National Center for Scientific Research and physician in cell biology and microbiology of the Institute of Neurophysiology (INP) at the University of Aix-Marseille.

Covid-19 (and vaccines) risks to reproductive organs and fertility

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