Covid-19: without care, we survive less well

by time news

2023-07-14 11:30:00

TRIBUNE/ANALYSIS – The Covid-19 crisis seems behind us, but the settling of accounts continues. The Marseille IHU and its former director, Didier Raoult, have been accused of carrying out “wild experiments“No one is fooled, it’s always about making the Marseille team pay for promoting hydroxychloroquine as a treatment during the crisis.

However, the anti-Covid-19 vaccines needed no alternative treatment to prevail on the market. It was therefore necessary to nip in the bud any attempt to appease fear or to treat the sick.

As such, there is indeed an experiment that has been carried out on a large scale in France: that of not treating the sick. Thanks to this experiment carried out in 2020 and 2021, we now know that the less we treat people, the more they die.

Very clearly, the departments with the largest drop in the number of hospitalized people are those with the largest increase in deaths. Too bad for the participants who were not in the right group, but they rejoice, thanks to them science progresses.

Collapse of care

The maximum white plan was decreed on March 12, 2020, emptying French hospitals to, allegedly, make room to accommodate the tsunami of Covid-19 patients. They never arrived. The ATIH report on Covid-19 in hospitals shows us that they only represented 2% of patients over the year. It is insignificant. On the balance sheet, total hospital activity fell by 11% because of the white plan. The situation is not uniform in France. Care has dropped everywhere, but some hospitals have particularly stood out in the abandonment of the population. This is confirmed by observing the statistics by department.

On this graph, each circle represents a department. Its diameter represents its population over 60 years. We have represented the evolution of the mortality of the over 65s according to the evolution of the use of care, 2020 compared to the 2017-2019 average. Mortality and the use of care are standardized by sex and age. Most departments have higher mortality in 2020 than in 2017-2019 and all departments experienced a decline in care in 2020 compared to 2017-2019. Half of the departments experienced a drop of more than 9%. A quarter of more than 11%. Remember, in addition, the order was given to the French not to consult doctors either. This is very little care given to the French.

We observe that the departments follow a fairly clear slope: the less the French were treated, the more they died.

Where there is no treatment, there are more deaths

In France, the number of deaths increases almost every year due to the aging of the population. This is also the case in many departments, but in 2020 the situation was quite uneven. There are 96 departments in metropolitan France. Let’s isolate the 24 departments that treated their patients the least in 2020, the 24 departments that best maintained care and the 48 departments in an intermediate situation.

The center of the circle corresponds to the average of the departments of the category, the width to the standard deviation which represents the dispersion within the category.

We are actually seeing a trend in recent years. The departments deviate from each other. From 2018, the departments in green and gray are increasing their number of patients treated in hospital. As the population ages, it is logical that the demand for care will increase. In 2020, the difference is extremely marked. The departments that treat the least have on average more than 10% drop in care compared to 2017. Those that treat the most, however, show a drop of more than 5%.

From the point of view of the evolution of the number of deaths, the year 2020 is revealing: it is indeed the departments which have maintained the care the most which show the fewest deaths. On the other hand, the departments that treat the least have had the most deaths.


This result completely destroys the story told of the Covid-19 which saturates hospitals and kills. If we had really experienced a great deadly pandemic, then we should have seen:

-the number of patients will increase in 2020;

– the number of deaths increase the most in the departments which have the most patients.

In both cases, we observe exactly the opposite.

Geographically, the increases in deaths in 2020 mainly concerned the easternmost departments of France, the Paris region and southern Corsica.

Everyone can see the consistency with the fact of not treating. The Corsican example is striking.

Le putsch de Big Pharma

This story of Covid-19 has brought medicine into a new era: that of the negation of reality. Until now, an epidemic consisted of sick people. However, as the statistics of the Sentinels networkpatients declared as “Covid-19” have always been perfectly insignificant, compared to what is usually declared as “flu”.

To scare people, it was therefore necessary to get out of reality and count the famous “cases”, namely, people with a positive Covid-19 test, the overwhelming majority of whom were in perfect health. It was indeed the health and then the vaccination pass that forced the French to test themselves, and therefore created a whole bunch of positive tests, without ever there being enough patients to exceed the “epidemic threshold”.

Big Pharma makes its money by scaring people, including making people believe, like Dr Knock, that “everyone in good health is a sick person who does not know it”. Let us quote the many works of oncologists Nicole and Gérard Delépinewhich discuss, among other things, the over-detection of cancers which pays off big by not saving anyone.

The other counterpart of the medical business is to succeed in replacing the “care” speak “treatment”.

To treat is to apply one’s medical art. It is not applying a recipe, but listening to the patient, considering him as a singular being to offer him everything the practitioner deems necessary to support him.

To treat is to prescribe a drug or a specific act based on a diagnosis: a disease = a drug. We understand here the purpose of the famous “tests” of screening, which bring absolutely nothing to the patient, but become the goodwill of the allopathic ideology imposed by Big Pharma. The test imposes a single protocol, the preserve of the industry and beware of the practitioner who deviates from it. This ideology was gradually anchored in practice, first by the computerization of the hospital, which brought all medical acts into boxes in the early 2000s, then by fee-for-service.

To sum up, processing is a mechanical, technical, uniform choice. It is to apply an algorithm and could very well be replaced by a machine. Healing is an art for which the human being is irreplaceable. It might be time for doctors to wake up and choose sides, because their days are numbered in this system.

*Pierre Chaillot, statistician, author of Covid-19: what the official figures reveal, editions the Gunner; Eusebe Rioche, author of Covid-19: open war against the people editions, Marco Pietteur editions; Sylvain Rousselot

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#Covid19 #care #survive

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