Covid, 23 million Italians overweight after the pandemic

by time news

Almost 23 million Italians, including adults and children, have gained weight due to the Covid pandemic, risking cardiovascular and metabolic disorders and diseases such as cancer and diabetes. One in 10 adults is even obese. To help stem this dangerous situation, the first edition of the Festival of the 5 colors will make its debut in Tropea, Calabria, from 18 to 22 May. An event dedicated to healthy eating, in which entertainment and conferences with important opinion leaders from the medical world will alternate, because food means health first and foremost.

The five days will have ‘prevention’ as its theme, which will be addressed in all its aspects, with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of following correct lifestyles. The Festival is aimed at all age groups and will be streamed to reach a wider audience and have a national scope. It is conceived by the Pancrazio association, created by young students of medicine, pharmacy and biology to carry out projects in the field of health and well-being. “It is essential to remember the importance of taking care of yourself starting from the table”, says Francesco Cognetti, president of the ‘Together Against Cancer’ Foundation. “This five days will be an opportunity to meet on the topic especially after Covid, which negatively changed the daily habits of a large part of the population. For example, 1.2 million people have started or resumed smoking and 44% of children and 32% of adults gained weight, “he added.

“Eating correctly – explains Ciro Indolfi – president of the Italian Society of Cardiology – fighting sedentary lifestyle, reducing alcohol consumption, not smoking and protecting yourself from the sun are habits that are important to follow for primary prevention. This is particularly important because from 10 to 30% of patients infected with the coronavirus have a new disease called Pasc which is characterized by palpitations, chest pain, breathing difficulties, tachycardia and exercise intolerance in the months following the infection. Precisely in these subjects, cardiovascular prevention must be aggressive especially for patients with severe symptoms or previous cardiovascular diseases “.

“The emergencies with which we are dealing in recent times – says Giuseppe Ambrosio, director general of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies – that is zootechnical emergencies, Covid, situations of war, are destined to affect the lifestyles of the For these reasons too, communicating in the correct way what is good to eat and how useful it is to exercise is fundamental. The Festival will be an opportunity to bring together citizens and experts and talk about healthy eating based on products of our our culture “.

“The number 5 will be the recurring symbol of the Festival – explains Maria Teresa Carpino, vice president of the Pancrazio association and creator of the Festival – It represents the five colors of well-being: red, green, white, yellow and blue, linked to fruit and vegetables, which they cannot miss in a balanced diet. The idea was born thanks to ‘Dammi il 5’, a three-year national project carried out in collaboration with the Italian Diabetes Society (Sid), the Italian Cardiology Society (Sic) and the Italian Society of Pediatrics (Sip) and which has obtained the patronage of Coni. We have built a dynamic food education path in schools that can directly involve children and their families “.

“In recent years we have developed various projects on prevention and we have come very close to the difficulties that people experience every day” concludes Francesco Bugamelli, president of the Pancrazio association, recalling that national and international prestigious personalities such as Piero Angela or Walter will participate in the five days. Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health. The more cultural encounters will be accompanied by playful activities, such as soccer and beach volleyball matches, aperitifs, dance lessons, prizes. There will also be the ‘5 thousand steps’ a walk among the artistic beauties of the city to raise awareness on the importance of exercising to prevent overweight and obesity. The potential of the foods of the future and nutraceuticals will be studied in depth, sustainability and respect for the environment will be discussed.

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